Modern Weather and Energy Service Companies: Digital Transformation

The modern world significantly benefits from the use of digital resources and innovative technologies in different spheres of human activity. They provide specialists with new opportunities to enhance their efficiency and attain the increased accuracy of calculations, forecasts, and analyses. For this reason, it becomes apparent that multiple organizations will continue to use technologies and promote further digitalization with the primary aim to achieve their basic goals. For instance, today, weather and energy service companies use innovative tools to process and display sets of data crucial for numerous processes (Teague & Gallicchio, 2017). Due to the wide use of technologies, these companies functioning is now reconsidered to attain better performance levels (Teague & Gallicchio, 2017). Thus, the paper delves into specific examples of how diverse technologies are used in the outlined fields, and what approaches prevail because of the numerous opportunities provided by them.

Interactive Maps/Dashboards

First of all, all companies of this sort widely use interactive dashboards and maps to demonstrate the results of their investigations and create their graphical representation. These maps provide a broad array of opportunities for the visualization and presentation of pieces of data or significant findings. For instance, monthly temperature or drought interactive maps are explored by weather service companies to describe peculiarities of climate and important weather conditions (“Data snapshots: Reusable climate maps,” n.d.). A significant advantage of these interactive dashboards or maps is their ability to transform and alter under the impact of new data. This feature becomes central to weather companies because of the constantly changing climate and the necessity to introduce new aspects. Using interactive maps, companies acquire an opportunity to feed information gathered from satellites into the system instead of creating a new model. In such a way, it becomes a powerful tool to display data and its latest alterations.

API Technology

Another significant element of the functioning of weather and energy service companies in the exploration of API technology that simplifies data transfer between different programs (Weinstein, 2016). At the same time, the use of this technology contributes to faster data integration and processing. Whether or energy companies leave parts of their software open to their partners for them to easily integrate with these elements and either request or provide the information needed to attain the enhanced accuracy of forecasting (Weinstein, 2016). Additionally, the implementation of APIs into the functioning of organizations reduces the time demanded to process a particular request and refresh data sets. It also works with interactive elements of maps and dashboards by providing an opportunity to display the latest information acquired from different sources. In this regard, the wide integration of APIs into the functioning of weather and energy service companies might be observed.


Nevertheless, one of the basic aspects of these companies functioning is the necessity to share data with many industries to ensure their stable work and rise. For instance, civil aviation uses data provided by weather service companies to guarantee the security of flight and monitor the latest alterations in weather conditions (Paulescu, Paulescu, Gravila, & Badescu, 2013). Additionally, energy companies cooperate with weather ones with similar purposes. In this way, the ability to satisfy multiple data requests from multiple users is the fundamental one. For this reason, companies combine the use of APIs, cloud services, and specific software with the primary aim to ensure a stable channel of data transfer and avoid its corruption or loss during this process (Vasquez, 2015). Additionally, companies tend to establish a new digitalized environment that provides numerous opportunities for the enhanced exchange of data.


Finally, both weather and energy service companies explore diverse methods of prediction and alerts. If severe weather strikes and the power goes out, numerous accidents might happen resulting in serious damage to the property and even peoples death (“Outage prediction,” n.d.). In such a way, it becomes critical to warn communities and authorities to mobilize and respond to the approaching threat. There are specific innovative approaches, as Outrage Prediction suggested by The Weather Company, that provide other companies, including energy ones, with an opportunity to proactively respond to storms and minimize damage (“Outage prediction,” n.d.). At the same time, the population is also informed about potential problems with power to avoid further problems. Additionally, weather and energy companies closely interact to ensure appropriate and timely data transfer that will help to reduce the risk of outages.


Altogether, modern weather and energy service companies significantly benefit from the wide use of digital technologies and innovative practices. These help to simplify data transfers between multiple users with the primary aim to avoid disasters or minimize their negative impact on the population. Additionally, the use of interactive maps helps to visualize data and make it less complex for individuals. Moreover, prediction or warning practices start to play a more and more important role in the functioning of society and diverse industries as they provide critical data about potential outages, and in such a way they help to minimize losses and mitigate negative consequences. In conclusion, the paper demonstrates that the wide use of innovations contributes to the improved functioning of numerous companies and result in their better outcomes preconditioned by the enhanced accuracy of data.


Data snapshots: Reusable climate maps. (n.d.). Web.

Outage prediction. (n.d.). Web.

Paulescu, M., Paulescu, E., Gravila, P., & Badescu, V. (2013). Weather modeling and forecasting of PV systems operation (green energy and technology). New York, NY: Springer.

Teague, K., & Gallicchio, N. (2017). The evolution of meteorology: A look into the past, present, and future of weather forecasting. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Vasquez, T. (2015). Weather analysis & forecasting. New York, NY: Weather Graphics Technologies.

Weinstein, S. (2016). What is the difference between EDI and API integration? Web.

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