Interdisciplinary Thinking Approach

Interdisciplinary thinking is a useful viewpoint characterized by the capacity to synthesize ideas from other academic fields and integrate them into one’s expertise in an approach that expands on conventional wisdom while challenging it. It builds ties between scientific and artistic disciplines and breaks down obstacles between fields that may sometimes complement and educate one another (DeRosa, n.d.). Interdisciplinary thinking has developed into a crucial and commonly sought-after ability in a work environment that values innovative thinking, originality, and open-mindedness. Interdisciplinary thinking can be a helpful technique for tackling difficult issues in society because it enables people to integrate information from various backgrounds and areas of competence to generate better remedies. Additionally, synthesizing concepts from other fields could reveal inventive approaches that were only sometimes obvious from a solely disciplinary standpoint and result in a greater awareness of the difficulties populations’ experience.

Interdisciplinary thinking can be used to solve complicated societal issues. The problems that the globe is currently experiencing are largely sophisticated and varied. For instance, concerns like hunger, global warming, and health inequities call for knowledge from several academic fields. Interdisciplinary groups can create more successful ways of resolving these difficulties by assembling specialists from various professions. Additionally, it might encourage creativity by fusing many opinions and concepts (DeRosa, n.d.). Specialists from several fields can produce innovative and imaginative solutions that might have yet to prove feasible with one disciplinary technique by working together.

As a researcher, I aspire to use interdisciplinary thinking to incorporate ideas and procedures from other fields to comprehend difficult problems effectively. For example, if I were to research the effects of global warming on coastal areas, I would consider the issue’s scientific, socioeconomic, and political elements. I could better comprehend the problem and develop more sensible answers using this strategy. As a professional, I can develop innovative ideas, processes, and approaches to tackle difficult problems by combining research from multiple areas. Sociologists and environmentalists might collaborate to study, for instance, how disadvantaged individuals are affected by climate change. Individuals would then be enabled to fully understand the problem by fusing their understanding with their expertise in the other study area.


DeRosa, R. (n.d.). Interdisciplinary studies: A connected learning approach. OER Commons. Web.

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