Internet and Education Interconnection

Thesis Statement

This paper is aimed to regard the world of learning in the context of the development of mass communication technologies (internet), and define whether it is so beneficial in comparison with the traditional education and learning.


The development of the internet technologies, and the transmission to the epoch of the information society has already left its trace on the humanity. The Information Technologies changed the ways of life, the customs of communication, entertainment and studying. It is much easier to study nowadays, than it was at least ten years ago, as it is possible to access any literature staying at home. The distant education has become the common thing, and communication with the tutor on-line offers the great opportunity to make the hot amendments in the course paper, project or any other work by discussing the issues of the paper on-line.

Globalization and Education

The development of internet promoted the extensive globalization in the world and its turning into the Global Village. (Bell, 2001) Actually, nothing can stay unmentioned, and the educational traces, experience in different sciences, newest discoveries may be easily shared by the means of the internet technologies. Globalization has eased the arrangement of the student exchange programs, and increased the rates of the travelling students. The globalization also made available the intermixture of the cultures, which is beneficial for the culture, religion or political sciences students, as they have an excellent opportunity to study these integral factors of life in loco. The same may be said of the language students, as the arrangement of the audio and video conferences on-line is no longer a problem.

The Global Village made the spread of the news instant, so the whole world may get to know of some news, if they got into the internet, as for example the latest news of the insult of George Bush. The awareness of the latest news may also be regarded as the world of learning, consequently, on-line mass media also provide the increased studying process. As for the traditional mass media, they are not so wide spread, and can not compete with internet in operability, however, these two means of information spread are not separated, and act jointly (Webster, 2006).

Pros and Cons of the Internet Learning

First of all it is necessary to mention, that the very notion of the new technologies sounds beneficial in any sphere of the everyday life. Consequently, the development of the internet and mass communication technologies, and their application in the education sphere will only increase and improve the education process. There is no more need to leave the house, or look for some time in order to attend classes if there are numerous work assignments, that should be done during the daytime.

Mass communication allows to access any information available in the world wide web, and find anything, that is necessary for writing a report, essay, course paper or even dissertation. The book or article that is not available may be bought on-line, and delivered to home within the shortest timeframes. Students and teachers from any corner of the world may communicate using the services of instant messages, and discuss either the latest achievements in the scientific sphere, or discuss the weak and powerful points of the student’s paper or project.

As for the disadvantages of the internet learning, it is necessary to mention, that they are not so numerous, however, they also should be taken into consideration. The distant education is available for anyone, who is aware of PC and internet use, however, it is not suitable for basic education. Anyone, who does not have the higher education will not benefit from the distant education, as tutor can not devote enough time to all the students, who study distantly. It should be added, that some schools and universities who offer distant education are not too popular, as most people consider them the last resort, and prefer getting the traditional education. Moreover, the internet learning may be effectual only for those, who got used to self study, and do not require tutor for investigating the basic issues of any question (Finnegan, 2000).


In spite of the fact, that the development of internet and mass communication offers incredible opportunities for study, learning and education, still, there are essential reasons, that stand against distant education. Nevertheless, there are essential opportunities for self study, and experience exchange. It is necessary to emphasize, that internet promoted the globalization of world education, made the latest scientific achievements available for students and tutors. Internet is the whole world for learning, discovering, investigating, researching and self improvement.


  1. Finnegan, Ruth, et al. (2000): Information Technology: Social Issues.OP,
  2. Webster, Frank, (2006): Theories of the information society. 2nd edition. London: Routledge
  3. Bell, David, (2001): An introduction to cybercultures. London: Routledge

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