Internet Does More Good Than Harm

Since the invention of computers and the emergence of the internet, society has undergone an inconceivable transformation. The internet possesses two unique properties that no other innovation does: first, it serves as the most comprehensive source of knowledge in the world, and second, it offers individuals an interactive interface through which they can communicate quickly. It is regarded as one of the greatest inventive triumphs, according to the majority of people. Since its birth, its pervasive and life-altering impacts have been observed in a wide variety of areas. While it has facilitated communication, business, and research, it has also enabled the spread of vices such as pornography and hacking. Regardless of the negative implications associated with the internet, the internet has a greater positive impact than negative impact.

The Internet has considerably boosted global communication. People can quickly connect no matter where they live, by reason of messengers and social networks such as Facebook. The days when global communication took a few days or even a few months are long gone. Today, people communicate with each other face-to-face through the internet applications, such as Skype (Guide, 2019). This is a lot cheaper and easier than traditional ways of communicating. Communication between people and businesses is now quick and with a personal touch, although they live in faraway places.

Moreover, the Internet is a significant constituent of global free trade. When multinational firms wish to conduct business in other republics, they have to first contact partners in other nations before agreeing. Additionally, the internet allows businesses to save money by enabling workers to be easily employed from underdeveloped nations and work remotely from their home countries. For instance, many global firms construct call centers in low-cost nations such as India. Besides, the internet has created an unrivalled market in which goods and services are widely available, quickly advertised and dispersed within a short period of time through the corridors of purchasing and selling and trading things and services between customers, third parties, and enterprises. Many people can save a lot of time regardless of where they live because of the widespread availability of internet stores. Furthermore, they have more time for other important duties, for instance, supporting their children with academic matters.

Additionally, the internet has facilitated easy access to knowledge and information, allowing for easy research and distance learning via internet facilities. The internet has developed into a mode of communication. Whatever the question, the internet has made it simple for people to find answers. Lecturers now encourage students to conduct online research. One can complete the research from the comfort of their own homes, by reason of the internet. The virtual space opens up new avenues for research. As a result, it has simplified for people the research process through the use of search engines such as Google.

The internet has provided a platform for not only personal but also business transactions. It has introduced what is called online banking, where one does not need to physically go to the bank. For example, instead of queuing at the bank, one can easily access their bank statements using online banking services from anywhere (Guide, 2019). It enables users to avoid carrying cash and instead pay with their electronic cards, such as bank and credit cards. Shopping online has also simplified people’s life by allowing them to just type in the item they wish to purchase and the price; the transaction will be executed without the need to physically visit the store. Additionally, individuals can purchase bus or movie tickets, as well as make hotel arrangements.

On the contrary, critics believe that the internet spoils the youth by disseminating pornographic content and violence, both of which are considered widespread currently. While there is no uncertainty that pornographic sites and violent videos are rampant online, whether the young are spoiled by them is arguable. Because of the continual warnings about the risks of the Internet on various cyber education campaign programs, children are expected to understand both the advantages and risks of computer browsing. As a result, once individuals have gained more expertise, they are less likely to be targeted by cyber hackers (Guide, 2019). There is also a lot of information available online for their investigation. Instead of spending hours reading over hundreds of books in libraries, anyone can simply click a mouse to access essential papers.

The internet indeed comes with negative consequences; however, it is the most significant invention of the 20th century. It is a useful tool depending on how people use it, and when used appropriately, users can perform numerous tasks via the internet. Just like any other technological innovation, it has its own set of merits and demerits; though, its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. The internet has made the world a global village and given people the chance to do unimaginable things that were considered impossible before. People have a chance to communicate, trade, and research, by reason of the internet invention. With the current upgrades to Internet security software and significant advances in its use, the Internet is a blessing rather than a scourge.


Guide, D. (2019). Internet. Google Developers.[cited 2018]. Web.

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