Introduction to Sociology and Its Aspects

Registering for a sociology course helps discern various problems in life. The interconnected nature of sociology to societal wellbeing is a major concern that allows one to develop an acute understanding of the environment. Working as a surgical technologist aids one in determining the various factions necessary for surgery. It is an important role as surgical technologists are specially trained to help surgeons in the theatre. In this way, individuals that require immediate surgical attention require surgical technologists, a role commonly confused with scrub nurses (Macat, 2016). This understanding is crucial for medical care and enables surgeons to perform optimally as they have highly skilled personnel to assist them.

Understanding sociology positively impacts society as it is a scientific way to determine how the world operates. People are governed by various factors, with society playing a crucial role in influencing their decisions (Macat, 2016). The field enables people to discern the influence of different factions on behavior. It is a fulfilling role as an expert in the field can determine the reason for someone’s positive or adverse behavior and reinforce or alleviate the societal issues that guide their decision-making. While some people perceive that people make decisions autonomously without any form of sway from their environment, sociologists help people merge the world with how they react and help them live better and fulfilled lives.

Sociology is a crucial part of a surgical technologist’s career as the theatre is a pressure-filled area that needs a clear and stable mind. Dealing with people in these dire situations is likely to take a toll on anyone, whereas sociology helps form positive attributes to help one cope with this environment. It aids the expert in developing accurate perceptions concerning patients and may assist one in communicating effectively to the patient or their loved ones before or after surgery.


Macat. (2016). An introduction to the discipline of Sociology. YouTube.

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