The “Bullshit Jobs” and “Political Happiness” Concepts

Nowadays, it may seem quite challenging to enjoy various aspects of life and be thankful to the government for solving a vast number of issues in the correct ways. What is more, it is difficult for people to take active roles in policymaking and be activists because they have their jobs and household responsibilities taking all their time. However, as noticed by anthropologist David Graeber, the concept of ‘political happiness and pleasure’ is quite possible to be achieved. At the same time, Graeber discusses “bullshit jobs” and their harmful effects on society.

First of all, it is necessary to address how Graeber makes an argument about political happiness. When discussing this phenomenon, the speaker provides an example of some other countries where people are actively involved in the political process (TEDx Talks, 2013). They enjoy the meetings, participate in them, and address their common problems together. Consequently, according to Graeber, political pleasure is when “there is a sense of common purpose, there is a sense that you trust the people around you,” and the differences between people become their source of power and determination (TEDx Talks, 2013). Further, people trust each other because they are all dedicated to solving a mutual issue.

In addition, another modern concept Graeber talks about is “bullshit jobs.” When explaining this phenomenon, the specialists mention that some people have meaningless and ineffective job positions, and while being aware of their unnecessity, they still try to find the meaning behind their work (, 2019). Overall, it is possible to say that these two concepts can be connected. For instance, it is appropriate to suggest that if such people were freed from their work, they would have more energy and self-confidence to be more active in public and political affairs. Consequently, the more “bullshit jobs” the community creates, the less “political happiness” there is in the world.

References (2019). 36C3 – from managerial feudalism to the revolt of the caring classes [Video]. YouTube.

TEDx Talks. (2013). The possibility of political pleasure: David Graeber at TEDxWhitechapel [Video]. YouTube.

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