Issues Associated with Midterm Implementation of Capabilities

Aviation is one of the industries that strive to keep up with emerging technologies and cutting-edge solutions to deliver more convenient air-travel services. However, implementing and ensuring the efficiency of travel systems is a strenuous task that requires comprehensive preparation, organized execution of initiatives, and continuous evaluation. The report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) sought to investigate the Joint Planning and Development Office’s (JPDO) and Air Traffic Organization’s (ATO) progress in planning and implementing the NextGen project (Dillingham, 2009). Moreover, the organization assessed the strategies put in place to enact midterm capability and associated issues. In addition, GAO assessed the main human capital, maintenance, and configuration issues and the project’s research and development requirements. Hence, the document provides critical information on the challenges associated with planning and integrating air transportation system capabilities and a full transformation.

GAO reports that JPDO and ATO made significant progress in the planning and development of NextGen. Nevertheless, recent versions of released documents do not indicate timelines or commitments, thus leading to shareholder frustrations. Moreover, there are numerous complaints about the lack of accountability and designated responsibilities in most departments. As a result, stakeholders question the roles of some of the officers and their duties in ensuring the project’s completion. GAO also notes that the authorities have made several changes to limit congestion (Dillingham, 2009). However, the audit suggests that they should focus on maximizing the usefulness of the existing capabilities. Nevertheless, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) still faces barriers in dealing with human capital problems, maintaining facilities, and addressing research needs. In addition, research to evaluate the effects of the aviation industry on weather and the environment and configuration of air travel facilities raise concerns.

Long-term projects that involve enhancing capabilities or altering technologies in aviation service organizations are often complex and hectic due to numerous processes. However, the report provided by GAO provides an organized and detailed analysis of the measures the responsible organizations have taken and the milestones they have achieved. One of the document’s major strengths is its simple organization. The authors begin by analyzing what the project entails and what is required to achieve success. Afterward, they provide information on the issues associated with the systems development, the current challenges, and the issues that the aviation authorities might deal with during their full transformation. Moreover, the researchers offer reliable recommendations in the concluding sections and what is required to maximize the project’s efficiency and ascertain its long-term success. Therefore, the audit offers comprehensive information to guide decision-making.

Project managers, shareholders, investors, and regulatory organizations depend on detailed reports regarding the planning, implementation, and evaluation of projects to ensure that the initiatives align with the ultimate goals. Therefore, a document reviewing the ongoing processes, system needs, and challenges associated with a particular project is critical to ensure that developers meet all requirements and deliver as expected. The audit by GAO presents various issues on the implementation and full transformation of aviation services using NextGen. However, the report focuses on the current system attributes, concerns raised by shareholders, various limitations in the project’s execution, and solutions to improve outcomes. Moreover, it advises the committee on how to ensure the project’s efficiency and sustainability by taking advantage of its current capabilities during its mid-term. Hence, the document provides reliable information that can be used by aviation service industries worldwide to develop and enhance their systems.


Dillingham, G. (2009). Next Generation Air Transportation System: Issues Associated with Midterm Implementation of Capabilities and Fully System Transformation: Congressional Hearing. DIANE Publishing.

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