Transformational Leadership: The Case Study

Transformational leadership is a type of organizational governance that not only encourages change and innovation but also maintains its values, culture, and processes. This case study focuses on Rachel, the manager, and CEO of Independent Center for Clinical Research (ICCR). It will discuss what is extra about Rachel’s leadership, how the development of ICCR had an influence on Rachel’s leadership, and what she should do to establish herself as a transformational leader.

Rachel is a manager who focuses on developing people rather than simply managing them. She tries to motivate the employees and bring out the best in them. This can be seen in hiring, firing, and team-building implementation in the company. As a result, she has become an inspiring leader for many of her staff, who have gone above and beyond to assist others in the organization in achieving their own goals. Rachel’s leadership has been impacted by the growth of ICCR in many ways. She has been able to expand her reach, used ICCR’s resources and contacts to host various events that create opportunities to interact with people from multiple industries and discuss important ideas. She has also gained the confidence necessary to take on larger projects and make decisions that require long-term thinking and planning.

Rachel must ensure that she’s building those things into her company’s culture and that the employees’ actions align with these values. This will not only help ICCR grow more quickly than ever before, but it’ll also help Rachel keep up with changes in the world around her. She can do this by using the TED talk Simon Sinek gave at one of his talks on how great leaders inspire action. Sinek (2010) says great companies are built on three principles: vision, values, and urgency. Vision is important because it’s what you’re going after—what your company is trying to accomplish. Values are what make one’s visions clear and understandable to those they lead.

In conclusion, transformational leadership is a style of management that seeks to engage employees and transform their work lives to meet the company’s needs. Transformational administration focuses on building a supportive environment for individuals, taking a long-term view of a project and its goals, and inspiring staff members to achieve those goals through mentorship and encouragement.


Sinek, S. (2010). How great leaders inspire action [Video]. TED Talks.

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