IT Project Management Proposal BPM in KSA

The title of my research proposal is Increasing security in e-government through BPM in KSA.


BPM is a strategy used in organizations and business operations to improve business processes. For example, it can be used to identify missing items that should not be missing or assist an employee in tracing problems that could have led to failure of delivery of particular items. It is a unique technology that brings together IT and participants in the business world to come up with systems aimed at integrating business users, processes and information (Traunmuller 95). I have been carrying out various studies related to the field of e-government and my strong background in this field will enable me carry out extensive research (Wyron 5).

Objectives of the Research

My program of study highly recognizes the importance of carrying out intensive research in the field of business with a special interest in e-government. In the business industry, different ways have always been devised in order to improve business processes. The main objective of this research is come up with a detailed analysis of the security issues that are affecting e-government in KSA. The research will also aim at finding out how BPM increases security in e-government in KSA. Currently, not many operations in e-government are making use of BPM owing to the reason that information on how BPM can increase security in e-government in KSA is still sketchy. This research will be very important as it will come up with concrete information on how security in e-government in KSA can be improved through BPM.

Research Questions

The following are some of the questions this research will seek to answer:

  • What is the importance of BPM in modern business?
  • What are the security issues that are facing e-government?
  • How can the security challenges affecting services in e-government in KSA be addressed
  • How can BPM increase security in e-government in KSA

Methodology and Planning

There are different methodologies for conducting researche in various fields. For this research to be successful, a suitable method of conducting the study is critical. The research is expected to employ a workable approach in investigating the questions it aims to answer. In my research, I will rely on written literature relevant to my field with occasional use of questionnaires to collect first hand information. The questions primarily focus on the security issues prevalent in e-government and how BPM can be used to increase security in e-government in KSA. Before the actual research, I will first plan for the research to ensure that I complete the tasks within the stipulated time frame. I expect that within a period of three months I should be through with the research.

Results of the Research

After a successful completion of the research, I expect to find out how BPM can be used to increase security in e-government in KSA. The research is also expected to identify the security issues facing e-government in KSA.


This research will be important since it will counter theories that have argued that BPM cannot increase security in e-government in KSA. The research will bring a difference because it will prove that BPM can actually be employed in increasing security in e-government in KSA.


Traunmuller, Roland. Electronic government. New York: Springer, 2004. Print

Wyron, Amy. Streamlining e-Government Through a BPM System. 2011. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "IT Project Management Proposal BPM in KSA." April 23, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "IT Project Management Proposal BPM in KSA." April 23, 2022.

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