Deviant Behavior: Sociology in Our Times

It is no secret that everyone in this world is different, and all the people have a unique perception of society. While some people think a particular action is wrong, others, on the contrary, will support it in every way possible. However, there is such a phenomenon as generally accepted norms of behavior. These are unique to all and are governed by ethical and moral codes. Of course, people will also oppose the unitary rules and become non-conformists. Such behavior against public opinion is called deviant behavior. According to this there are some actions that people find different from what are widely spread. This phenomenon is not new and existed for a long time. The deviant behavior is always a good topic for a discussion between parents and their children, friends and colleagues.

There are several types of deviant behavior, the most common of which is behavioral. This is reflected in conduct that differs from generally accepted in different life situations. Such can include, for example, laughter at funerals or the desire to spend vast piles of money on unnecessary things because such cases also occur in people’s lives (Kendall, 2018). There is the religious condition or characteristic. This paper will mostly take into the consideration the behavioral type.

The current times are unique in that there are too many people who want to show their uniqueness. Standards of morality are mixed, and it can be challenging to know what is right and what is wrong. In addition, the change of generations often causes arguments between older and younger representatives. Many people would agree that more than once in their lives, they had heard the phrase ‘I was much better when I was your age, and I didn’t do this sort of thing.’ Cultural differences are now more common than ever. There are several reasons for this, the most important of which is the all too rapid development of information networks and the ability to communicate literally in a couple of clicks. It is hard not to notice how deeply information technology has seeped into the world. It is now almost impossible to imagine life without a smartphone, not only for the younger generation but also for adults.

When the parents were growing up, there was no such opportunity to develop and show uniqueness. This differed in general character and behavior, and even in the style of dress. Of course, there is no denying the fact that even back then, 20-30 years ago, there was no such thing as uniqueness. However, comparing the popular clothes of that time with today’s, it can be seen that color was used for uniqueness in the past, while now it is no surprise. Weird shapes and different form factors, such as small details on trousers like chains, are becoming more and more popular. Even though the purpose of both is the same, the parents would be surprised at the strangeness of choosing an outfit for an evening out with friends.

A reverse example of this kind of deviation is phone calls. For past generations, an important aspect was chatting on the phone in the evenings with their friends, discussing boyfriends and other personal issues. Nowadays, this is not necessary due to the advent of messengers. The topics of conversation are mostly the same, but the general concept of the process itself has changed. It is now difficult for today’s children to imagine a situation where they would talk on the phone instead of texting, sending video or audio messages, or chatting on FaceTime.

Making such comparisons with other cultures, such as European of Asian, there are a lot of different factors to consider without comparing with America. Given that different countries have their own economic and social problems, this analogy is not entirely analogous to the previous one. Alternatively, people can use the example of global deviance. It is widespread nowadays for the older generation to talk about how little time children spend outside, spending all their time at home in front of a game console or on the phone. Of course, it is hard to disagree with them because the internet has indeed changed behavior and thinking, saving them from having to visit each other. People can write or call in Discord from the comfort of their home. This is one of many examples that are common around the world and independent of culture and tradition.

Speaking of subcultures, comparing the current and the period of the 2010s, the difference can be seen. There were far more goths, punks, or other small societies within society. Now, when there is no such need, the very notion of subculture is deviant because the current generation can hardly imagine a community of guys or girls of the same age who wear the same clothes, think the same thoughts, and are in the same place. Times changes, people evolve, and some aspects become obsolete and are replaced by more functional ones. It is hard to argue that the world is only going for the better, making life easier, even if, at times, the changes seem minimal.


Kendall, D. E. (2013). Sociology In Our Times : The Essentials (11th ed.). Boston, Ma Cengage Learning.

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