Before a computer program can be executed, it must be created and compiled. Any text editor or IDE is used to edit the Java source code. The extension of the file should, while the file name should reflect the term used in the public class line. The next step when creating a program is to compile the code: the JDK package must be installed on the machine. The compiler converts the source code file into a Java bytecode file – it generates a file with the.class extension. Finally, it starts the procedure to execute the computer code. Any platform with JVM, which is an interpreter, is used for this purpose. The virtual Java machine gradually translates individual bytecode instructions into the target machine language code. In other words, file is initially saved, which is converted into a.class at compile-time and then executed by an interpreter.
Three types of errors that occur when creating Java programs are syntactic, runtime, and logical. The first type of error is related to incorrectly typed text code, which is expressed in incorrect punctuation or use of undefined variables (“Errors,” n.d.). The runtime errors occur when the base code detects an event it cannot handle appropriately. Logical errors are the most difficult to detect because they are not detected by either the compiler or JVM. Such errors are usually tied to inattention or incorrect prioritization of operators. The code shown in Figure 1 produces four different responses because the brackets are set in the wrong way.

A virtual Java machine is a critical component of the platform. Since virtual machines are available for many hardware and software machines, Java can be seen as both a binding software and a stand-alone platform. For this reason, using the same bytecode for many devices allows Java to be described as a universal programming language. The main advantages of this language are its objectivity orientation. The data structure becomes an object that can be controlled to create relationships between different parts. In addition, Java is noticeably more for a beginner because the syntax is similar to a human language. Moreover, Java has a security manager, created for each application to establish access rules: this ensures that the Java application will run in such a way as to avoid vulnerabilities. Finally, the absolute advantage of the Java language is cross-platform.
Errors. (n.d.) Web.
Mueller, J. (n.d.). Logical errors in Java.