Johann Sebastian Bach as an Example of a Talented Person

The image above by Marshal and Emery depicts Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the world’s most famous composers. While he is known for his exceptional artwork, Bach’s life was full of exciting facts that did not directly relate to music. Firstly, not many people know that Bach was married twice and had twenty children in total (Revelle Team). Secondly, one should also emphasize that in 1716, the composer was arrested and put in fail (Revelle Team). However, those memorable events did not create any problems for Bach’s artistic activity. His world-famous works include The Brandenburg Concertos and The Well-Tempered Clavier. The Brandenburg Concertos were created as a tribute to the Duke of Brandenburg, while The Well-Tempered Clavier became a guide for students to learn various keyboard techniques (Revelle Team).

Even though I am not the biggest fan of classical music, Bach wins my admiration. It is so because this composer managed to write a few pieces of music that are still popular even today. The fascinating events above have made me understand that Bach has become even a more impressive figure for me. It refers to the fact that this artist managed to become famous throughout the whole world against a background of colorful life. In other words, it deserves the respect that Bach did not let his family affairs and imprisonment prevent him from succeeding in the musical sphere. That is why it is not a surprise that modern public opinion also welcomes Bach and admires his artwork. Consequently, Johann Sebastian Bach is a suitable example that if a person is talented, they can make a difference in the world irrespective of external conditions.

Works Cited

Marshall, Robert L., and Walter Emery. “Johan Sebastian Bach: German Composer.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020.

Revelle Team. “24 Amazing Facts About JS Bach.” Connolly, 2016.

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