John Henry Newman, an English Philosopher


John Henry Newman was born in 1801 and died in 1890; and was an English philosopher, intellectual, academic, theologian, poet, scholar, writer, and historian, among many other titles or accomplishments. In addition, Newman happened to be the first Anglican priest who later became a Catholic cardinal. Newman was also a relevant and controversial figure at the same time in England’s religious history that was very prominent in the 19th century. In 2019, he became a canon and a Saint of the Catholic Church. Newman started his academic and religious career at Oxford University in England. The Church of England also contributed immensely to his priesthood career. According to Newman, the tradition of Anglicanism was one of the best highlights of his religious calling. Newman is one of the best personalities whose ideology was renaissance philosophy that represented medieval philosophical thoughts that were prominent in the 15th and 16 centuries. Newman’s philosophical ideas that form the basis of Renaissance philosophy inform my understanding, that of my peers, and the world in general.

Defining, Analyzing, and Elaborating upon the Ideas

Newman is one personality whose ideas resonated well with faith and rationality. In this case, his primary interest was to serve in the church and also provide intellectual ideas to those who served with him or under him (Kenny 10). Newman’s primary interests include liberal education, education philosophy, Christian apologetics, historical theology, and religious epistemology. His most notable ideas include arguments of conscience, the importance of conscience, and the development of doctrine. Newman represented renaissance philosophy that was very common from the 14th to 16th century. In this case, his philosophy responded well to the social needs of the people, which was a relevant element in the development of the history of Renaissance and Western Civilization. For example, as a leading personality in academics and religion, his philosophical ideas became preferable in these fields (Kenny 11). Some of the most notable areas he served include being an evangelical and a leading scholar in a university. In addition, he also served in the Anglican ministry, and the Oxford movement, among others. One of his most prominent theories has consecutive continuity that contributed immensely to the changes, growth, and doctrines over the years.

Discussing How and Why It Resonated More than the Other Ideas

Newman’s Renaissance and philosophical thoughts resonated more than other ideas to choose from. In this case, renaissance philosophy provided a detailed intellectual history that most scholars found relevant. Therefore, something that scholars found helpful was also bound to be valued by other people (Kenny 16). Newman’s philosophy provided a basis for understanding God and how he came to save humanity in ancient times. Therefore, Newman’s philosophy helps to define how God and his people related to one another. In this case, the work of ancient philosophers provided an elaborate way of expressing divine wisdom that was very common in ancient times. The renaissance philosophy is significant because it laid the basis for an intellectual culture that was very vibrant in the early period. In addition, the renaissance philosophical thoughts provided an avenue for an enhanced interest in primary sources of Roman and Greek ideas (Kenny 10). The emergence of the new study of Skepticism and Stoicism eroded faith in the universal truth and provided a fertile ground for widening philosophical thoughts. In this case, Newman’s philosophy provided an avenue from which modern philosophy and science would gradually emerge.

Reflecting on the Ways to Inform the Understanding

In this reflection, Newman’s philosophical ideas provide an excellent ground to test my philosophical thoughts and those of my peers and the world. In this case, it helps to give a thinking platform for the body. The literature provides a distinct and clear understanding of the body and the mind in a religious setting. As one of the most prominent personalities of modern philosophy, Newman has a credit history of providing some of the best forms of literature on philosophical ideas. This best work informs my understanding of the world, my peers, and me. As I reflect on this academic philosophy, I think it is one of the best ways to provide knowledge to the people who deserve it (Kenny 9). This form of literature is also a scientific explanation that provides a modern model. The hyperbolic doubt that Newman provides ensures I get the unbiased truth after seeking it. Philosophical ideas provide a foundation for a person to reflect on many issues, particularly when searching for the truth. This renaissance work provides me with the foundation of epistemological ground zero that helps to search for the truth. Newman is one individual who helps me to search for issues that lie beyond a reasonable doubt.


In conclusion, the renaissance philosophy, like the one demonstrated by Newman, helps provide thoughtful ideas to self, peers, and the world. As one of the leading personalities of contemporary philosophy, Newman provided the foundation for people to demonstrate their philosophical thoughts. As part of medieval philosophy, renaissance philosophical ideas like Newman’s provide a basis of logic regarding metaphysics, moral philosophy, and natural philosophy. The primary intellectual areas in the renaissance provide an avenue through which logic offers a training ground for the body and soul.

Work Cited

Kenny, Anthony. An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy: 20th Anniversary Edition. Wiley Blackwell, 2019.

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