Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons

When the time to choose one particular profession comes, many students face several doubts and challenges. It is not very easy to make one clear decision and be sure about its correctness in the future. This is why it is better to evaluate all pros and cons beforehand to make a choice and be satisfied with the results. If you are one of those students who are dreaming to become a journalist, this article should help you clear everything up and decide whether it is worth to be a journalist nowadays.

Pros of the profession of journalist

  • Abilities to know some breaking news before they translated;
  • Possibilities to throw light upon unclear issues and make people aware of the news around;
  • Chances to travel a lot to find out the necessary material;
  • Variety of themes to be covered;
  • Possibilities to be promoted within a short period;
  • Meetings with different people;
  • Attendance of different events;
  • Chance to know the news firsthand.

This occupation allows people to be aware of everything in the world, and, what is more important, to share the news with people. Journalists realize how important their job is because their absence leads to the absence of news, and without news, people cannot live a day.

Cons of the profession of journalist

  • Unlimited workdays: news does not pick some particular hours, and a journalist has to be at the necessary place in time;
  • Stresses that are caused by people’s attitudes to journalists: much depends on the stories journalists deal with;
  • Low salaries: only real professionals like Charles Gibson can earn enough being a journalist;
  • Inabilities to spend much time with families;
  • The necessity to contradict yourself sometimes.

Of course, there are a lot of challenges journalists may face. However, because of the possibility to get appropriate education in almost every city, many students would like to become journalists and prove that this profession is great, interesting, and important.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 3). Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons'. 3 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons." February 3, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons." February 3, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons." February 3, 2021.

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