Promoting Uptake of Project Findings for Respiratory Health

The aim of the dissemination is to promote the uptake of the project findings for improved prevention of respiratory complications related to conscious sedation at KRMC. The message will center on pre-, intra-, and post-procedure guidelines, staff education, institutionalization of technology, and evidence-based practice (Sanborn et al., 2015).

Target Audience

The results will be shared with various individuals, groups, and institutions with an interest in the project. The audience and its information needs and interests were identified through a stakeholder analysis (Velligan et al., 2013). The dissemination will consider the following audience groups:

Internal audience

Adequate internal dissemination will be made to KRMC clinical staff – Interventional Radiology (IR) nurses, radiologists, and ICU and ED nurses – and patients/families (Martin & Lennox, 2013). The internal audience will be the specific target group of the dissemination.

Opinion Makers

The project outcomes will be shared with the Director of Nursing, representatives from relevant institutions, primary care researchers, and actors within and outside KRMC to receive feedback and promote the implementation of the findings. The outreach will also ensure a wider audience uses the results.

Relevant Stakeholders

Project stakeholders include people with a stake/interest or those affected by its findings (Velligan et al., 2013). The relevant stakeholders for this project include registered nurses from ICU, ED, and Interventional Radiology (IR) department, IR radiologist, and the Director of Nursing (Chreim, Williams, & Coller, 2012). This multidisciplinary team actively participated in the implementation of this change project. Patients and their families are the primary stakeholders of the project as the clients of KRMC. Further, provide informed consent for the procedure and participate in healthcare provision (Sanborn et al., 2015).

Resources Needed

Resource considerations will determine the choice of dissemination methods and the type of audiences reached. The main resources needed for the dissemination of this project’s findings include finances, time, equipment, and human resource. Financial resources will be needed for traveling to the audience locations and for printing and translation of dissemination materials. The monetary resources will also be required to cater for space rental costs. Further, shift adjustments will be required to create time for the nurses to attend workshops or engage in online discussions. The equipment needed to transmit information in conferences or workshops will include computers, whiteboards, and projectors, among others.

Dissemination Strategies

There is a wide range of dissemination strategies. However, the selection of appropriate methods would ensure that message reaches the target audience.

Useful Dissemination Strategies

  • Conference presentations;
  • Workshops;
  • Websites;
  • Mailing lists;
  • E-mail dissemination;
  • Face-to-face meetings or briefings;
  • Online discussion lists;
  • Reports;
  • Journal articles.

Inappropriate Dissemination Strategies

  • Newsletters;
  • Flyers;
  • Press releases;
  • Social media;
  • Road shows.

The strategies useful for the dissemination of my practicum project results allow for greater engagement with the stakeholders than the methods identified as inappropriate. According to Grimshaw et al. (2012), a higher level of engagement is important when disseminating research results that require health action. The findings, i.e., the establishment of procedure guidelines, staff education, use of technology, and evidence-based practice, may fail to be implemented if dissemination strategies that promote a two-way dialogue are not used. The methods in the ‘useful dissemination list’ provide a platform for consulting with the audience and addressing pertinent issues. In contrast, the inappropriate strategies do not involve higher levels of stakeholder engagement that is necessary for health action.


Chreim, S., Williams, B. E., & Coller, K. E. (2012). Radical change in healthcare organization: Mapping transition between templates, enabling factors, and implementation processes. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 26(2), 215-236.

Grimshaw, J., Schunemann, H., Burgers, J., Cruz, A., Heffner, J., Metersky, M., & Cook, D. (2012). Disseminating and implementing guidelines: Article 13 in integrating and coordinating efforts in COPD guideline development. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society Journal, 9(5), 298-303.

Martin, M., & Lennox, P. (2013). Sedation and analgesia in the interventional radiology department. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 14(9), 1119-1128.

Sanborn, P., Michna, E., Zurakowski, D., Burrows, P., Fontaine, P., Connor, L., & Mason, K. (2015). Adverse cardiovascular and respiratory events during sedation of pediatric patients for imaging examinations. Radiology, 237(1), 288-294.

Velligan, D., Castillo, D., Lopez, L., Manaugh, B., Davis, C., Rodriguez, J.,…Miller, A. (2013). A case control study of the implementation of change model versus passive dissemination of practice guidelines for compliance in monitoring for metabolic syndrome. Community Mental Health Journal, 49(2), 141-149.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 22). Promoting Uptake of Project Findings for Respiratory Health.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Promoting Uptake of Project Findings for Respiratory Health." November 22, 2020.

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