Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Effective Change Implementation

Introduction: Kotter Model

The implantation of change is a complex process that needs precision. Kotter’s Model developed in the mid-1990s consists of eight steps. It is noteworthy that this approach enables the manager to effectively implement the change. These steps are increasing urgency, developing the guiding team, creating the vision, communicating the vision, empowering action, creating short-term achievements, building on the change, and anchor the change. Each step is important and cannot be omitted as the process will be disrupted, and the change will not occur or last long.

Oliveira’s Actions

Oliveira wanted to implement the change, and he had various ideas that could improve the performance. The young manager also undertook some steps of the Kotter’s Model. Thus, he tried to create the guiding team as he first spent a lot of time discussing his vision with the apparel advisor and two operational leaders. Oliveira also had the vision as he saw some issues and developed a strategy to handle them. The manager communicated his vision to the guiding team as well as other employees.

However, Oliveira failed to use the model effectively as he failed to undertake many crucial steps. He failed to create urgency as employees thought that their store’s poor performance was due to external factors. They did not believe that their behavior should change. The young manager also failed to create the guiding team as his first attempted was not successful, and he stopped trying. He decided to take control of the change in all departments, which was impossible. His effort to communicate vision was unsuccessful as the employees listened to the manager’s ideas without trying to start changing their behavior. Oliveira did not empower action as he did not attempt to identify particular reasons why the employees do not change their behavior. The manager did not set short-term goals that could be achievable within a short period. More so, when he saw the change in operations, he did not introduce rewards, and he did not even praise the expected behavior. Finally, he did not even try to create a culture based on the changed behavior.

Building the Guiding Team

One of the essential steps in building the guiding team. Oliveira had to develop a group of enthusiastic leaders who could control the change in particular departments. He tried to create it, but his effort was insufficient. If he created the group, the manager would not have to be in many different places at the same time. The leaders would focus on their particular operations.

Possible Success

As has been mentioned above, the use of Kotter’s Model would enable Oliveira to implement the change successfully. Thus, the manager had to create urgency. He had to develop proper relationships with the guiding group who would communicate his vision to the rest of the employees. He identified some issues correctly, and he had to show the employees that employees’ behavior in successful stores was different. Nonetheless, it was not enough to make employees start acting differently. It was crucial to make the new behavior permanent. The employees revealing the necessary behavior had to get rewards. The new behavior had to become a part of the corporate culture. This would make the change effective. Thus, the eight-step model would make the process of change easier and more successful.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 24). Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Effective Change Implementation. https://studycorgi.com/kotter-model-implementing-the-change/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Effective Change Implementation'. 24 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Effective Change Implementation." January 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/kotter-model-implementing-the-change/.


StudyCorgi. "Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Effective Change Implementation." January 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/kotter-model-implementing-the-change/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Kotter’s 8-Step Model for Effective Change Implementation." January 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/kotter-model-implementing-the-change/.

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