Insights from Immersion Project: Latino Culture

Brief Description of Selected Cultural Group

The targeted culture for the Immersion Project was the Latino population. The respondent from the cultural group was named Kenny. The project made it easier for me to identify several attributes associated with members of this population. To begin with, Kenny indicated that many Hispanics embraced various traditional values. Members of the family were observed to support one another and stay in touch. The elderly members of the society were respected by other people in society. The integrated lifestyle associated with the culture made it possible for more people to realize their potential (Ortiz & Telles, 2012). The study showed clearly that many Latinos were alcoholics. The malpractice is usually common among individuals aged between 25 and 45 years (Haight, Kayama, & Korang-Okrah, 2014). Partying and celebrations are also embraced by many Latinos. Such events are usually embraced to promote cohesion and togetherness in the society.

I also observed that many Hispanics believed strongly in the power of ethnocultural solidarity. The people embraced various values such as justice, honor, and respect. The relationship between Kenny and I showed conclusively that many Latinos interacted with the other people in the community. The practice made it easier for some of them to realize their goals and objectives. Many people in this culture preferred Spanish for communication purposes. However, some of them were willing to use the English language. The interviewee indicated clearly that many Latinos preferred Reggaeton music. The exercise indicated clearly that many Hispanics were Catholics (Haight et al., 2014). My new understanding of this culture can make it easier for me to design better healthcare delivery and counseling models that can support the changing needs of many Latinos in the United States.

Understanding and Respecting Other Cultures

The Final Immersion Project has encouraged me to change my awareness and understanding of other cultural groups. From the project, I have understood that there are some prejudices and biases that have defined American society for many years. For instance, my respondent indicated clearly that he did not love the whites in the country. As a human service professional, I was able to come to terms with such stereotypes and biases (Johnson & Lichter, 2015). The professional should monitor the traditional, religious, and cultural practices of the targeted population. This understanding can guide social workers to monitor the ideas and values associated with the cultural group. This new experience will make it easier for me to analyze the unique needs of more individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Another issue emerging from the project is the need to respect and understand each culture in the country. This practice will guide more counselors and social workers to monitor the unique issues affecting their clients. This analysis should focus on the needs of the targeted cultural group. Whenever providing quality care, it will be necessary to avoid every form of prejudice or misunderstanding (Ortiz & Telles, 2012). The cultural practices and social norms of the population should also be clearly understood. When the members of the population or culture are respected, it will be easier to design personalized models that can eventually deliver positive results. I am therefore willing to undertake new studies and exercises to understand the cultural attributes of every racial group in the United States (Johnson & Lichter, 2015). The approach will guide me to offer culturally competent services depending on the changing needs of the targeted clients.


Haight, W., Kayama, M., & Korang-Okrah, R. (2014). Ethnography in social work practice and policy. Qualitative Social Work, 13(1), 127–143. Web.

Johnson, K., & Lichter, D. (2015). Diverging demography: Hispanic and non-Hispanic contributions to US population redistribution and diversity. Population Research and Policy Review, 35(5), 705-725. Web.

Ortiz, V., & Telles, E. (2012). Racial identity and racial treatment of Mexican Americans. Race and Social Problems, 4(1), 1-18. Web.

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