Leader Development and Self-Management

The era that we are currently leaving in is one of unprecedented opportunities and in order to realize your goals in the professional career that you have chosen, then having ambitions in life and smarts will enable you to reach the highest goal that you have set for yourself in your career. The essay that follows is a brief understanding of the self. Understanding who you are and your strengths will enable you to achieve the best height of excellence achievable. The essay will go ahead to evaluate the things which when critically evaluated can bring about excellence such as understanding the strong and weak points (Drucker, p1).

With these opportunities comes the need to take responsibility of yourself. Institutions and organizations ceased to take the role of managing the careers of their employees. This therefore forces you as an employee with a career objective in mind to be your own chief executive officer, you are the main determinant factor in deciding what your course of life or career should be. In order to do this, it requires that you have a good understanding of who you are, your capabilities and resources, how well you work with others and your strong points and values. It is only through nurturing of the strong points and cultivating on them while at the same time coming to terms with your weakness that you will be able to reach the greatest height of excellence.

Having this in mind because am a person who wants to achieve excellence in my chosen career, I have to evaluate myself and realize what my strengths are. Knowing that I can only achieve this excellence through nurturing and cultivating on my strong points encourages me to critically analyze my weak points. The strong points can only be discovered through a process called feedback analysis. My professional career is business management. In this kind of profession, I will have to know things that reduce my chances at reaching excellence. Whether it is ignorance, which can form the basis for self-defeat.

Another factor that I have to come to terms with is how well I am able to perform. I have to understand my personality and how it influences my performance in business administration. Understanding that different people have different levels of performing will enable me to self-evaluate myself and try not to change myself because I have seen what another person has done with themselves. This will make me not succeed in my set goals. The best thing to do is not changing myself but improving my performance and to avoid as much as possible work that I cannot do because this will only make me to perform poorly.

In order to manage myself, I have to know what my values are. This is related to ethics and is more of a “mirror test”. An ethical question that I should ask myself everyday as I stand before my mirror is what kind of person am I. I must formulate ethical ideas that will be able to govern my future business organization. It has come to my realization that working in an organization where the value systems are corrupt and not compatible with my moral values subjects me to frustration and non-performance. Performance and a person’s strength rarely conflict but when it comes to the strong points and values this two conflict greatly in that a person might do something well even if it is not inline with their values. The work might not be fulfilling or worth my whole lifetime stuck up in something that is not morally right according to me.

It should also be part of my understanding to know that I actually belong in business administration. This will enable me to have a positive attitude towards my work and therefore become a great achiever. I have come to realize that successful careers are rarely planned but come as a result of preparation for opportunities. Knowing where I belong can transform me from the ordinary worker that I am to an exceptional performer.

I am an individual who always wants to provide a good and conducive environment where my fellow colleagues can be comfortable working in. I can say that my working relationship withy others is always a mutual relationship where I want to provide the best. Respecting my colleagues and taking responsibility for my actions within an institution is one of my strong points when it comes to relating to other people (McGowan, para13).

In conclusion, understanding your potentials in life is the basic attitude that a person or individual must take in order to achieve the success that you so much yearn for. Understanding your weak and strong points and knowing your values in life are just but a few of the things that a person should critically evaluate so as to achieve maximum excellence.

Works Cited

Drucker, Peter. Managing oneself. 1999.

McGowan, Kathleen. Managing the self. 2008. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Leader Development and Self-Management." November 30, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/leader-development-and-self-management/.


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