Leadership and Management in the Banking Sector


The theme of the seminar was leadership and management in the banking sector. The guest expert is David Boyd, Assistant Vice President of the Retal Community Bank, and he has 25 years of experience in the banking leadership role (Central Piedmont Community College, 2023). He spoke about the role of a leader, his approaches to managing processes, and the values that guide him at work.


The seminar was a useful source of information as it allowed the students to learn about the banking industry. First resonating information in Mr. Boyd’s speech is the role of a leader who not only manages people but also inspire and develop them. Every day he with his team discuss their progress made during the past. Thus, the leader creates a team culture that develops and educates team members for their future success.

The second important thing touched upon in the speech was communication with clients. Each client’s experience is unique and requires unique solutions. Bankers stay in constant contact with clients to achieve this goal. Mr. Boyd also shared an important detail about the skills needed for a successful career in the banking sector. He argues that although many processes in banking are automated, beginners must have a good accounting and communication skills. This information is essential to today’s business environment as it shows a good leader does not look for failures or errors in the work of his clients and team but discovers new opportunities for their success.

Isabel Drinkwater, a Career Services representative, said more about negotiating with an employer. She gave practical advice on negotiating a salary increase, responding to an offer, and behaving in a personal meeting with an employer (Central Piedmont Community College, 2023). Recommendations from a Career Services representative will be helpful as they reveal how to evaluate and present one’s value to the company.


I will use the information received at the seminar when choosing a job. I got an idea of how a successful team works in the finance industry and how communications are built with clients and colleagues. This information will help me evaluate the culture of the company where I will work. In addition, the Career Services information provided examples of phrases I can use to remain polite and express my expectations about salary and benefits.


Central Piedmont Community College. (2023). Student leadership event meeting [Video]. WebEx. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, February 14). Leadership and Management in the Banking Sector. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-and-management-in-the-banking-sector/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Leadership and Management in the Banking Sector." February 14, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-and-management-in-the-banking-sector/.


StudyCorgi. "Leadership and Management in the Banking Sector." February 14, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-and-management-in-the-banking-sector/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Leadership and Management in the Banking Sector." February 14, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-and-management-in-the-banking-sector/.

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