Leadership Assessment Paper: Preferred Leadership Style

The transactional leadership style is the most preferred style for the student. It is no secret that this leadership style is one of the most effective and is characterized by appealing to employees’ interests and motivation (Purwanto et al., 2020). Transactional managers understand the desires of subordinates well enough and react sensitively to them. Moreover, the test results demonstrated that the student has such qualities as charisma and the ability to build communication through recognition of achievements, rewards for good work, and activity in complex cases. Consequently, this circumstance will allow the student to create the most productive work in a team.


From the point of view of leadership theory, the student has a relatively high leadership potential and inner energy to create their personality and change the world. The leadership theory allows one to explain the factors and reasons for people becoming leaders based on the characteristics of an individual’s character and actions (Simplilearn, 2022). Based on this concept, the student has the makings, talents, knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for being a leader. Nevertheless, some weaknesses should be emphasized, such as reduced flexibility, insufficient creative self-expression, and excessive responsibility.

Decision-Making And Problem-Solving Style

As practice shows, the student appeals to the analytical decision-making style when making important and significant decisions. By its essence and nature, this approach permits one to conduct a thorough analysis of a situation and draw conclusions, creating a more deliberate and balanced decision. In particular, when problems arise, the student focuses on the social sensitive thinking problem-solving style as one of the best methods of resolving difficult situations within the framework of the manifestation of a high level of interpersonal skills.

Ability to Set Priorities

One of the critical competencies that the student has is the ability to prioritize, plan and organize work, delegate authority, and demand compliance with deadlines. Specifically, these moments correlate with competently and correctly managing the available time and resources. Indeed, these are essential skills without which a person is inclined to follow the path of least resistance. Thus, if one correctly prioritizes and allocates resources, delegates and quickly adapts to changes, it will be easy to balance work and personal.

Delegation Skills

In general, the student has pronounced delegation skills and abilities to express confidence in an employee while maintaining responsibility for their actions and increasing the confidence of subordinates in their skills and involvement in achieving an organization’s goals. One should recall that this process involves transferring some of the responsibilities and powers from a head to a subordinate. Hence, the student reduces his workload and gets extra time to solve the most significant tasks. Delegation increases the motivation of colleagues who have received new tasks and creates conditions for their professional growth. The skill of delegating tasks and responsibilities significantly affects the degree of efficiency of the student’s work and affects an organization’s results as a whole.

Communication Skills

The student actively demonstrates a set of communication skills in their work, starting with assertiveness and ending with technical. For instance, the student can listen, hear, ask questions, motivate, inspire, and convince their colleagues. Moreover, trying to approach communication with people individually, attentively listening to an interlocutor without interrupting, actively asking questions, showing politeness in communication, and avoiding categorical statements and sarcasm – those aspects that are best manifested in practice.

Conflict Resolution Style

It should be emphasized that when resolving conflicts, the student emphasizes the collaborative style in terms of a combination of assertiveness and cooperation. Thus, working with other people allows you to find the most optimal solution to mitigate the problem and fully satisfy the interests of each of the parties. Based on this style, the student reduces the manifestation of negative emotions of employees to a minimum and is mainly determined to build long-term relationships and results. Indeed, this style requires longer work compared to other approaches to conflict since the student as a leader first “puts on the table” the needs, concerns, and interests of both sides and then discusses them. However, suppose there is time and solving the problem is important enough. In that case, this is an excellent way to find a mutually beneficial result and satisfy the interests of all conflicting parties.

Two Areas of Strength and Two Areas That Need Improvement

Competent speech, politeness, non-conflict, punctuality, and the ability to negotiate are the main strengths that allow the student to achieve high results in work. As a leader, the student likes to communicate and can establish contact with employees quickly. However, excessive softness and indecision in solving some of the most critical issues are negative aspects that need improvement. For example, extreme caution prevents taking drastic decisions that would solve several pressing problems in the context of nursing practice.

A Plan of Action

Firstly, it is necessary to implement discipline in professional and personal life to set the right example for your subordinates. Secondly, developing the ability to see the big picture and anticipate problems before they arise is required. Thirdly, it is necessary to actively fight negative thoughts without mixing facts and speculation. Improvement in these areas is crucial for a new role within the ability to defend one’s point of view, protect opinion, impose disciplinary order, make the right decisions, and avoid risks.


Purwanto, A., Bernarto, I., Asbari, M., Wijayanti, L. M., & Hyun, C. C. (2020). Effect of transformational and transactional leadership style on public health centre performance. Journal of Research in Business, Economics, and Education, 2(1), 304-314. Web.

Simplilearn. (2022). 10 major leadership theories every manager should master in 2023. Simplilearn Solutions. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Leadership Assessment Paper: Preferred Leadership Style." December 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-assessment-paper-preferred-leadership-style/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Leadership Assessment Paper: Preferred Leadership Style." December 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-assessment-paper-preferred-leadership-style/.

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