Four Leadership Communication Styles

General Journal of Communication Competencies

During the past week, I have learned some information on leadership communication. I consider it is important from the general perspective as there are leaders not only in organizations but also in the everyday environment. Namely, I learned about four different communication styles including analytical, functional, intuitive, and personal. Each of them has peculiar characteristics.

First, the analytical style requires relatively low sensitivity and responsiveness. The leaders with such leadership styles are characterized by a clear, open, and systematic approach to their performance. They usually collect and evaluate a considerable amount of background information related to the relevant area. At this point, analysts are generally objective and well-organized. The leaders of this type do not show their emotions and conclude slowly yet accurately and carefully. The disadvantage of the analytical communicators is the fact that they are likely to confuse other people by insensibility.

Second, the functional style focuses on a relatively low level of emotionality and high activity. The great advantage of this style of communication is that no detail remains unnoticed. In general, such leaders know what they want and how to achieve it. They are pragmatic, competent, and independent. Sometimes, they might look cold and oppressive, and it is their negative feature that might lead to attention loss of the audience.

Third, the intuitive style provides a significant degree of activity and emotion. The intuitive leaders can describe and analyze complicated situations and find an innovative approach to the problem solution. They know how to charm, convince, and inspire people representing prospects for the future as a motivation for action. The downside of the intuitive communicators is expressed in the shortage of both patience and attention to details.

Fourth, the personal style of communication refers to the average level of emotionality and activity. The personal communicators value emotional language and connection and are sympathetic to the needs of others. Moreover, they are perfect listeners. In particular, personal communicators can listen to others as well as to hear them. The latter statement means that the leader can listen to people carefully taking into account all the details. Also, they realize that it is important to choose the relevant subject, to win the interest of listeners, and then give them a chance to speak out their ideas and concerns about the given subject. These conversations provide personal communicators with useful feedback.

Actually, every leader generates their type of communication style in the course of performance. As there are no two identical fingerprints, there are no two leaders with the same style of leadership. It is significant to stress that the style of communication depends on various factors such as environment, people, a character of a communicator, and plenty of others. Therefore, no correct or incorrect style of leadership communication can be identified in advance as a standard as it tends to vary adequately with time and context.

However, I failed to identify my style of leadership communication. Probably, I need to study this topic more to understand it better. Personally, I like the personal communication style and its benefits for the leader above all. It seems that this way is the most useful to build closer relationships with people. As a result, it is to leads to the creation of a friendly atmosphere.

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