Core Leadership Concepts and Their Applications

What I have learnt about leadership

What I leant from the Kouzes and Posner articulation concerning leadership is how to get extraordinary things done within the organization. I came to understand that leadership is about getting the team members do what is expected. In order to succeed, as the leader of the team, my activities range from challenging the process to encouraging other to act. In fact, according to Kouzes and Posner, leaders must show these behavioral commitments in order to attain the desired goal. The commitments will enable the leader get extra ordinary things done within the organization (Kouzes and Posner).

Becoming a good leader

I acknowledged the fact that becoming a good leader requires putting into action the five exemplary practices of good leadership. The practices range from facing up the process to supporting the team members (Kouzes and Posner 7). Challenging the existing system require the leader to be innovative and enterprising to achieve the desired goals. Stimulating collective vision involves identifying the available opportunity and charting the methods of exploiting the prospects. Facilitating team members need partnership through the use of available resources. In addition, leaders need to model the way through setting examples and planning for small wins. Finally, encouraging the small hearts is about recognizing the individual contributions and celebrating the accomplishments

I need to challenge the process

Even though my capabilities may be fit for the current tasks, I need to take on challenging tasks in order to become a good leader. Besides, I need to change the status quo, take risks and challenge the unknown. Through innovation and experimentation, I should find better ways of attaining the greater results.

I should inspire the shared vision

According to Kouzes and Posner, good leaders should be in a position to establish the vision and share the vision with the team members within the organization 17. The vision provides the future prospects and the results that need to be attained. In fact, having a shared vision offers an opportunity to chart the direction or come up with strategies that would enable the attainment of the desired results (Kouzes and Posner 17). The shared vision also provides the common purpose for all the members. It is the understanding and the realization of the shared aspirations and values that propel the team forward.

I should be the role model

The process arises from having the shared dream. In fact, modeling the way is the process of having a clear direction that leads the attainment of the desired goal. Directions are normally provided from clear strategies and action plans that take into consideration the resources, the time frames and the people responsible for the required actions (Kouzes and Posner 17). In order to become the good leader, I should act as the role model through being attentive to what are significant. In addition, I need to chart the way, which is consistent to my beliefs. Besides, I have to pay attention to little details and persistently pursue the shared vision.

I should enable others to act

I need to come up with teams, encourage collaboration and empower the team members. In other words, a good leader inspires the team members to act in the stated direction in order to achieve the desired results (Kouzes and Posner 23).

I should be encouraging

Kouzes and Posner argued that good leaders understand that people normally become fatigued and disillusioned on the process of attaining the goals 23. At this stage, there is increased possibility of giving up. In order to avoid such frustrations, I need to provide encouragement for the team members to continue in the pursuit of the desired goals.

Works Cited

Kouzes, James and Barry Posner. The Leadership Challenge- How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2008. Print.

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