Leadership in Healthcare: Skills for Graduate Nurses


Organizing effective leadership is of outstanding importance for any organization. However, in healthcare institutions leaders play a more vital role than anywhere else because people’s lives and well-being depend on these leaders’ decisions. At all levels of the healthcare process, there are leaders who arrange and maintain the highest quality of services performed by their organization. For graduate nurses, leadership is regarded in four major dimensions: the profession of nursing, clinical practice, health policy, and systems level. To gain the most beneficial outcomes of the nurses’ work, their leaders need to employ the most productive approaches and methods.

Reporting Findings from the Quiz

According to the quiz results, my leadership style is democratic (Cherry, 2016). This style is characterized by the leader being participative and cooperative with other group members. Democratic leaders welcome the voices of their subordinates in the decision-making process. However, the last word always belongs to the leader. Democratic leadership style empowers the employees, stimulates them to work with enthusiasm, and strengthens their self- and professional confidence.

Since more people are engaged in the decision-making process, the outcomes are more precise and proficient. No leader, however skillful he or she is, can know everything. Thus, by allowing group members to discuss the cases, the leader makes the situation better for everyone: the patient, the team, and him/herself. Patients benefit as their treatment is evaluated under various angles, and the best solution is chosen. The team members feel empowered and encouraged to do their best. The advantages for the leader are comprised of the possibility to obtain the best healthcare approaches and organize an effective team of specialists.

Of course, I realize that democratic leadership is only possible in a situation when people in the team are fully aware of their duties and know how to perform them. In other cases, authoritarian or delegative leadership styles may be necessary (Cherry, 2016). When team members do not have sufficient expertise in some procedures, the leader applies authoritarian leadership when he/she dictates what should be done and how it should be done. On the contrary, when the leader lacks knowledge about a particular case, he/she resorts to delegative leadership, when he/she asks a more proficient group member for advice (Cherry, 2016).

The quiz results emphasized my beliefs about my leadership style. I have always felt that cooperation is better than a dictatorship. I believe that when people feel that the opinion matters they are more willing to dedicate all efforts to do their job at the best level.

Examining the Leadership Features Needed for Graduate Level Nurses

There are various expectations of graduate-level nurses’ leadership behavior. The major one is being able to establish leadership by introducing and supporting productive working relations (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). To do this, a leader needs to employ a reciprocal considerate communication and cooperation within the team of professionals which the leader manages. Another crucial attribute of a graduate-level nurse leader is the ability to settle the conflicts within the team. Further, a leader should have perfect skills in assigning responsibilities and arranging a cooperative atmosphere.

What concerns patients, a graduate-level nurse leader is expected to provide and integrate comprehensive care for individual patients and groups of people (families and communities) (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). A great leader should be able to perform his/her duties in various environments. Employing the data from different sources, a nurse leader should guide the patients through their treatment process to ensure the most successful outcomes. Leadership skills for graduate-level nurses incorporate the ability to cooperate, compromise, communicate, and negotiate.

Analyzing My Personal Leadership Attributes and the Ones I Need to Develop

I think that I have the basic features necessary for a good leader. I am great at communicating, and I always respect other people’s opinions. However, I am also ready to synthesize the ideas and come up with a general solution. I never disregard other people’s desire to participate in decision-making. I am open to negotiations and willing to admit my mistakes.

What I need to develop is the basics of an authoritative leadership style. I realize that it may be necessary at some point, but I feel uncomfortable dictating people what to do. Thus, I should develop more confidence and be able to apply this style when necessary.


The concept of leadership presents a vital element of any healthcare organization. To provide the best outcomes for the patients, a well-coordinated work of nurse teams is required. The duties of a graduate-level nurse leader include initiating and maintaining the atmosphere of mutual respect in the team. When a leader chooses the most appropriate style of leadership, everyone benefits from it: the leader him/herself, the group of people working with him/her, and the patients. Therefore, effective leadership is a decisive constituent of any successful healthcare organization. As it is mentioned by Macphee, Skelton-Green, Bouthillette, and Suryaprakash (2012), “The need for strong nursing leadership is an international mandate” (p. 159).


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of Master’s education in nursing. Web.

Cherry, K. (2016). What’s Your Leadership Style? Learn more about your strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Web.

Macphee, M., Skelton-Green, J., Bouthillette, F., & Suryaprakash, N. (2012). An empowerment framework for nursing leadership development: Supporting evidence. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68(1), 159-169.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Leadership in Healthcare: Skills for Graduate Nurses." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-dimensions-for-graduate-nurses/.


StudyCorgi. "Leadership in Healthcare: Skills for Graduate Nurses." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-dimensions-for-graduate-nurses/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Leadership in Healthcare: Skills for Graduate Nurses." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-dimensions-for-graduate-nurses/.

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