Leadership, Management and Change


Change will is always an ongoing process (Goleman 2002). Organizational leaders should embrace new roles and ideas in an attempt to create better structures that can deliver the best results. My dream is to become a successful organizational leader. A proper understanding of the major processes of organizational change (OD) will make it possible for me to achieve my career goals. This reflective essay, therefore, examines the major obstacles faced by my team in preparation for our group presentations. The essay describes the major theories and models that have the potential to change the manner in which the group was managed and led.

Leadership, Management, and Change

Teams have the potential to improve the level of performance and produce the best goals (Nastasi & Hitchcock 2009). Our group was composed of five members. The purpose of the group was to discuss a case study related to a management situation. In order to make the discussion successful, several theories of leadership were used throughout the process. We used Tuckman and transformational leadership models. Some of the group members identified the unique strengths of the theories and their relevance towards effective organizational change. Their contributions made the study process successful.

However, some challenges were observed during the process. For example, some of the members were not responsible and failed to keep time. Some also failed to turn up for the scheduled meetings. Some individuals did not complete the activities assigned to them. Such obstacles made it impossible for our team to achieve targeted goals. The members were unable to make accurate decisions. This situation explains why our team performed poorly. Various theories can be used to ensure the group is managed and led in a better manner (Goleman 2002). The most important thing is to identify the best theories that can deliver targeted goals.

The first powerful concept revolves around the use of behavioral, structural, and technical strategies. The group leader can use behavioral, technical, and structural approaches to achieve the targeted organizational change. The technical approach focuses on the elements, relationships, interactions, and activities that define the productivity of the targeted group. Leaders should present the best machinery, facilities, work methods, and procedures in order to achieve the best goals. The behavioral strategy is usually aimed at ‘rearranging the reward systems in an attempt to strengthen the targeted behaviors (Dzik-Jurasz 2006, p. 28). The structural concept can create rewarding roles and functions for the group members. This approach will ensure the team members address their differences and focus on the best outcomes.

The second theory is the systems OD model. Proponents of the systems theory believe that the effectiveness of a group can be improved by promoting the performance of every organizational system. The inputs should be carefully identified and mentored. The components within the group should relate positively in order to achieve the targeted goals (Dzik-Jurasz 2006). The administrative, social, technical, and strategic inputs should be monitored effectively. The approach will make it possible for the group to achieve its targeted goals. The ‘systems approach, therefore, promotes the best practices such as assessment, implementation, problem-solving, and evaluation’ (Nastasi & Hitchcock 2009, p. 371).

The book “Organisation Development” by French and Bell outlines a number of concepts that can be used to support different forms of change. To begin with, the theorists embrace the power of long-range processes in an attempt to redefine an organization’s social process. The approach also changes the targeted culture. The use of Total Quality Management (TQM) is also critical towards achieving the targeted change (French & Bell 2004). That being the case, the group leader can use new processes that promote concepts such as inclusiveness, responsibility, and commitment. A transformational approach will ensure every individual is ready to be part of the presentation.

Kanter believes strongly that effective interventions can produce new objectives in an organization. According to Kanter, every organizational development strategy requires the most appropriate intervention (Sturdy & Grey 2003). This means that leaders should use their competencies and skills in order to achieve the required outcomes. The group leader should also be empathetic, creative, considerate, and realistic. The individual will address every existing problem and focus on the targeted outcomes. The members will be encouraged to attend every meeting and present their ideas.

The other powerful model was described by Colin Carnall in the book “Managing Change in Organisations”. Carnall believes that a strategic approach towards change has the potential to produce positive outcomes. The group leader should use appropriate concepts to guide, plan, implement, evaluate, and promote the best practices (Carnall 2007). The leader should also acquire new techniques and ideas in order to ensure the targeted change is realized.

The OD Cube was developed to manage the intervention phase of every organizational change. The ‘purpose of every intervention is to disrupt the existing status quo and develop new practices’ (Baulcomb 2003, p. 278). The participants should be empowered in an attempt to promote better practices (Sturdy & Grey 2003). During the intervention phase, the OD leader should focus on the major dimensions encountered within a group. The leader will therefore ‘focus on the diagnosed problem, identify the new attention, and present the best mode of intervention’ (French & Bell 2004, p. 39). These strategies will encourage different group members to address their differences and focus on the best goals.

The Force Field Analysis is a powerful tool developed by Lewin. This model can be used to make accurate and meaningful decisions. The tool can be used by our group leader to analyse the major decisions supporting or opposing the targeted change. This understanding will make it possible for the group leader to focus on the best decisions that can eventually make the team successful. The leader should strengthen the major forces supporting the change and address the ones opposed to it (Carnall 2007).

The approach will ensure every group member is ready to promote the best practices. The best thing is to ensure new practices are encouraged in the group. The group leader should therefore be aware of the targeted change. This knowledge will ensure the planning, implementation, and evaluation phases are executed in a successful manner. The group leader can use these stages to implement the targeted functions.


The targeted group leader can use the above models to guide every member. A powerful OD theory will address the existing problem, identify new interventions, and promote new practices in the group. This strategy will ensure the group is aware of its goals. The members will also be empowered to collaborate, make accurate decisions, and guide one another (Weberg 2010). The rate of absenteeism will also reduce significantly. The challenges affecting our performance will be addressed and eventually make the team successful.

List of References

Baulcomb, S 2003, ‘Management of change through force field analysis’, Journal of Nursing Management, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 275-280. Web.

Carnall, C 2007, Managing Change in Organisations, Financial Times Management, New York. Web.

Dzik-Jurasz, D 2006, ‘Supporting sustainable change’, Nursing Management, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 26-29. Web.

French, W & Bell, C 2004, Organisation Development: Behavioural Science Interventions for Organisation Improvement, Prentice Hall, Upper-Saddle River. Web.

Goleman, D 2002, ‘Leadership that gets results’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 78-90. Web.

Nastasi, B & Hitchcock, J 2009, ‘Challenges of evaluating multilevel interventions’, American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 360-376. Web.

Sturdy, A & Grey, C 2003, ‘Beneath and beyond organisational change management: exploring alternatives’, Organisation, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 651-662. Web.

Weberg, D 2010, ‘Transformational leadership and staff retention: An evidence review with implications for healthcare systems’, Nursing Administration Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 246-258. Web.

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