Leading and Controlling in Addressing Challenges

The issue of organizational control and surveillance is one of the most critical aspects of a manager’s job. At Bridgestone Aiken, it was essential to prompt diligence and a constructive approach to problem-solving in the workplace, which was rather difficult given the diverse environment and the multiple opportunities for cross-cultural conflicts between staff members. Combined with time pressure, the need for keeping high-quality levels, and the strenuous setting, the use of constructively became barely possible in the Bridgestone Aiken environment until I deployed the concepts of controlling staff’s performances through the use of flexible assignment technique and the analysis of internal factors affecting project management in it. Specifically, I reconsidered the previous operational standard, which required no more than one defect per 10 products, and increased it to less than one defect per 50 products. The observational improvements included higher motivation rates and increased focus on the production process.


Using daily control points as the means of ensuring that all objectives are fully met was very helpful since the specified technique allowed pinpointing the key milestones and tracking down their completion. Furthermore, during my work at the Bridgestone Aiken plant, I realized that even when applying a laissez-faire approach to leadership and boosting the levels of Corporate Social Responsibility, one has to control the staff’s performance consistently. The identified goal has to be accomplished not only for the sake of keeping quality levels at the needed level but also to correct the course that the staff takes when completing an objective.


The kaizen philosophy was utilized to reinforce the idea of CSR in the company and build an understanding of corporate goals. The application of leading principles to the management of the key issues was critical to introduce the Kaizen philosophy to the target environment. For instance, the promotion of standardized practice led to the effective measurement of the employees’ performance, thus informing future strategies for improvement. Although there are numerous differences between the position of a manager and that of a leader, main principles are also an integral part of balancing the needs of employees with corporate goals. Change management was used as the main tool for reducing change fatigue levels among the staff and inspiring them to seek innovative solutions.

Furthermore, using the principles of continuous improvement and illuminating the possibilities that the specified viewpoints hold produced a very positive effect in the selected workplace setting.


The principles of Kaizen as the framework that allowed creating a comfortable setting for employees was especially important in leading employees toward better performance. Specifically, with the help of the specified management philosophy, the target audience recognized the need for personal and professional growth, thus contributing to quality control. For instance, the philosophy of Kaizen set the stage for the staff to accept and utilize the principles of knowledge sharing, interdisciplinary cooperation, time management, and other tools for keeping the number of produced defects to a minimum.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 11). Leading and Controlling in Addressing Challenges. https://studycorgi.com/leading-and-controlling-in-addressing-challenges/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Leading and Controlling in Addressing Challenges." July 11, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/leading-and-controlling-in-addressing-challenges/.


StudyCorgi. "Leading and Controlling in Addressing Challenges." July 11, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/leading-and-controlling-in-addressing-challenges/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Leading and Controlling in Addressing Challenges." July 11, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/leading-and-controlling-in-addressing-challenges/.

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