Managing Organizational Change and Transitions Successfully

In the article, “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail,” John Kotter, the author, argues that change in the business world is inevitable. However, people are reluctant to accept change, and thus in most cases, they resist it. Therefore, the majority of organizations fail in the process of implementing transformations. Kotter notes that from the few organizations that have succeeded in implementing change, it is clear that transformation occurs in phases, and skipping any step leads to failure. The author highlights eight stages of successful transformation in an organization. The first step entails creating a sense of urgency, followed by coming up with a powerful guiding coalition.

The third step involves creating a vision, followed by communicating and empowering others to act on it. The sixth phase entails planning and forming short-term wins before solidifying improvements and coming up with extra changes. The final step involves institutionalizing new approaches. However, the transformation process needs a committed and visionary leader for successful implementation. I concur with Kotter that transformation is a process, which occurs in phases. I also agree that visionary leaders play an instrumental role in a successful change process.

In the article, Bridges’ Transition Model: Guiding People through Change, the author insists that people are opposed to change, but they can be monitored through the process to ensure that they embrace and implement it. The article explores William Bridges’ transition model, which focuses on the transition process as opposed to the change process. Whilst change underscores what happens to people; transition defines what goes on in people’s minds as they go through the process of change. The model holds that people go through three distinct stages during the transition process. The first stage involves ending the previous era, losing what one knew, and ultimately letting go.

In the second phase, people enter a neutral zone characterized by indecision, confusion, and uncertainty. The final phase marks a new beginning where people accept the change and gather energy to implement it. At this stage, people are open to learning, and they display renewed commitment in executing their duties. I think this model is critical because it allows leaders to guide their followers through the change process despite the initial resistance to the process. In addition, the author notes that the transformation process is gradual, and this aspect allows leaders to be patient with their followers as they implement change.

The article, Managing Transitions, by William Bridges, explores the different stages that individuals undergo whilst transitioning in the change process. As aforementioned in the second article, the process starts with the end of the previous era. At this point, people experience denial, shock, anger, frustration, and ambivalence before slumping into the neutral zone where they do not know whether to accept or reject the change. From the neutral zone, people start moving to a new beginning where they experience skepticism, acceptance, importance, hope, and enthusiasm. The article outlines how leaders can intervene and help their followers to undergo the transition process.

In addition, the article gives the dos and don’ts of managing the transition. For instance, leaders should form a reward plan for successful change implementation; however, they should not threaten followers as a way of change implementation. Communication plays a central role in managing transitions, as individuals need to be reminded and guided on what to do for an effective change implementation process. I think this article is precise as it gives a clear summary of Bridges’ thoughts on the transition model. In addition, the graphical presentation of ideas is invaluable as it helps in articulating the model.

Works Cited

Kotter, John P. “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail.” Harvard Business Review, 2010. Web.

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