Aural Learning Style: Strategies for Success


The success of learning depends in part on the appropriate selection of learning strategies. In order to maximize their effectiveness, these strategies need to align with the individual’s learning style. The following paper is an analysis of a tool used to determine preferred learning styles and strategies.

Learning Style Summary

After completing the questionnaire, I was assigned the aural learning style. According to the description on the website, this style is characterized by the preference for information received through auditory channels. Thus, aural learners are more susceptible to information obtained during a conversation, discussion, or lecture. Individuals with aural learning style tend to possess excellent listening skills and are more likely to resort to oral instructions when inquired about something. It is important to mention that the suggested profile does not fully correspond to my experience as a student since, on some occasions, I consider written instructions or hands-on experience a more effective approach. Nevertheless, both the read/write and kinesthetic learning styles received significantly fewer scores (three and four, respectively).

Preferred Learning Strategies

My preferred learning strategies include group discussions, Q&A sessions, instructions, demonstration, and written instructions. The selection of methods depends on the type of information, learning environment, and qualification of the instructor. Discussions and Q&A sessions are reserved for situations where the studied information is complex enough to require additional insights and consultation with someone who is familiar with the topic.

In some cases, I can use written sources such as scholarly publications to broaden and deepen my understanding of the subject. Finally, I try to test the knowledge by applying it in a hands-on testing session whenever possible. The latter strategy is the most effective for practical purposes, whereas the theoretical issues can be tested by formulating examples and discussing them with the instructor.

Comparison with Learning Styles

As can be seen, some of my preferred learning strategies coincide with the learning style assigned to me by the VARK test. Specifically, discussing the issue with the instructor and testing my understanding by formulating the examples are consistent with the claim that I prefer to deal with the information that is spoken or heard. However, it is necessary to specify that the flexible and individualized nature of the inquiry is the main reason behind my preference in this case. Next, obtaining the information from written sources is not consistent with the VARK profile, which indicates weak read/write style preference. The same can be said about practical exercises, a strategy typically used by kinesthetic learners. The identified inconsistencies are likely attributed to simplistic questions that do not account for several important factors.

Influence on Teaching and Learning

The awareness of individual learning styles and preferred strategies is an essential component of the learning process. From a teacher’s standpoint, the appropriate selection of learning strategies leads to better academic performance (Salamonson et al., 2013). The ability to identify the dominant learning styles of the audience ensures the relevance of the strategies incorporated in the education program. In addition, proper choice of strategies improves the attention and concentration of the students (Broadbent & Poon, 2015). The identified benefits are equally relevant to learners. From this perspective, the awareness of individual learning preferences can be used to manage time allocated for study more effectively. As a result, the study process becomes less challenging and more enjoyable, further improving academic performance (Liaw & Huang, 2013).


As can be seen, the VARK questionnaire offers valuable information on the preferred approach to learning. Admittedly, the results are not accurate enough to be considered reliable. Nevertheless, they provide an overall assessment that should be acknowledged by students.


Broadbent, J., & Poon, W. L. (2015). Self-regulated learning strategies & academic achievement in online higher education learning environments: A systematic review. The Internet and Higher Education, 27, 1-13.

Liaw, S. S., & Huang, H. M. (2013). Perceived satisfaction, perceived usefulness and interactive learning environments as predictors to self-regulation in e-learning environments. Computers & Education, 60(1), 14-24.

Salamonson, Y., Weaver, R., Chang, S., Koch, J., Bhathal, R., Khoo, C., & Wilson, I. (2013). Learning approaches as predictors of academic performance in first year health and science students. Nurse Education Today, 33(7), 729-733.

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