Legalization of Marijuana: Pain Management

Legalization of marijuana bothers people. There are many supporters and opponents of this idea. I belong to the group where this idea cannot be accepted even regarding its possible positive outcomes. Today, media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal with chronic illnesses (Hart & Ksir, 2015). The benefits of its usage include the possibility to ease MS symptoms, treat glaucoma and reduce the fluid pressure, and stop cancer progression. Pain management is the main benefit that attracts people (Fitzcharles, Hazel, Taylor, & Tucker, 2016).

Marijuana is characterized by a number of negative physiological and behavioral effects. The increase of heart rate can be observed (Hart & Ksir, 2015). If a person with glaucoma wants to be treated, no guarantees are given that a heart attack can kill them. The effects on the cardiovascular system cannot be neglected when people think about marijuana legalization even for medical purposes. Besides, there are certain effects on eyes, mouth, and throat. Pulmonary functions should be controlled as well.

The attention to behavioral effects should be paid. The use of marijuana decreases the level of control. Some people cannot stop using it and control their behavior, and some people are ready to increase a dosage just to check their possibilities. Expectancy theory works in this case: people believe that observations of other marijuana users are enough to comprehend a true worth of the substance. They make a mistake. A person can see how dangerous marijuana can be when they lose friends and families or betrayed by and disappointed with parents. Euphoria or stoned should be mentioned. Slowed cognitive processes, short-term memory, and disrupted vision are the possible cognitive outcomes that can change human lives. Therefore, marijuana for recreational purposes is not an option as well.


Fitzcharles, M.A., Hazel, E.M., Taylor, G., & Tucker, L.B. (2016). Pain management for young adult rheumatology patient in an era of medicinal marijuana legalization. The Journal of Rheumatology, 43(4), 686-688.

Hart, C., & Ksir, C. (2015). Drugs, society and human behavior (16th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Sprague, N. (2016). Random drug testing in schools. Research Starters Education, 1-6.

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