Leveraging Soft Skills Into Career Opportunities

Soft skills can be defined as critical skills for a successful career and interpersonal communication in a team. They are necessary for any profession and are subject to change with diligent work on. At the same time, it is important to understand that this is an area that requires constant improvement in order to increase professionalism and build trusting relationships with colleagues and clients.

To determine the level of their skills, employees can take certain tests aimed at a percentage indicator of development. To determine the level of their skills, employees can take certain tests aimed at the percentage of development of competencies. Comparing my first PowerSkills PRO™ results to the current state, I can say that I feel growth in some areas. First of all, it is connected with the sphere of communication. I saw that my score was not enough to work effectively, which could have negative consequences for teams (PowerSkillsPro-Assessment-Results, n.d.). In this regard, I began to study the literature on communication in the organization, to express my own opinion more and let others indicate their position. This led to greater team cohesion and a well-coordinated atmosphere in which each employee feels his importance.

In addition, I noted clear improvements in decision making as one of the critical thinking points. This area is characterized by complexity on the part of balanced arguments and the ability to look at the situation from all angles. Moreover, it requires volitional and moral commitment on the part of a person, which does not always have a favorable effect on his condition. However, I have become more relaxed about the fact that you need to make decisions. I have developed a strategy for myself in which I evaluate the positive and negative aspects of a possible resolution and the most favorable and negative consequences that it can bring. I have noticed that I now more confidently judge the problem and rationally apply the most effective ways to it.

These competencies will go a long way in applying them to current position. Soft skills represent the area without which any profession is impossible. Communication improves team relationships and allows each employee to feel the spirit of working together (Everything you need, 2021). No one feels left out, which increases overall work performance and therefore more favorable results. At the same time, everyone has the right to be heard and receive feedback on this. When establishing communication, it is important not to be judgmental if the employee’s ideas are far from their ideal representation. This can demotivate and lead the employee to feel unfair. When it comes to decision-making, working moments are always associated with difficulties and risks. My skill allows the most quickly to resolve the created situation with the least unpleasant consequences.

At the same time, the constant improvement of competencies involves their use in additional career opportunities. Because of this, I can apply for a higher position in the organization. If the team shows significant performance and quick problem resolution, then this indicates excellent solution application skills. The ethics of interpersonal and business communication and the ability to smooth out conflicts reduce the possibility of misunderstandings among the team. A highly qualified worker is constantly developing, which requires encouragement from the authorities. In addition, this means that I can provide training and focus employees on personal competencies.


Everything you need to know about soft skills. (2021). CareerBuilder. Web.

PowerSkillsPro-Assessment-Results. (n.d.). HumanCapitalLab.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Leveraging Soft Skills Into Career Opportunities." December 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leveraging-soft-skills-into-career-opportunities/.


StudyCorgi. "Leveraging Soft Skills Into Career Opportunities." December 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leveraging-soft-skills-into-career-opportunities/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Leveraging Soft Skills Into Career Opportunities." December 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leveraging-soft-skills-into-career-opportunities/.

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