Long-Term Health Care Settings: Best Practices for Older Adults

Apart from the main expertise, the job of a nurse requires effective communication skills that are especially important when discussing such sensitive issues like nursing homes and long-term care facilities. The task of the nurse is to provide informational support to patients and their families about all aspects of this issue and to ensure that they get detailed information about the situation and all the possible options. Due to the fact that older adults are likely to develop chronic diseases, it is difficult to say how long care they would need (Almgren, 2012). In the case of Suzanne, whose mother is institutionalized, the nurse should inform her that there are various options apart from the possibility to place her mother in a nursing home. If it is necessary to transfer her mother there, it is crucial to explain its organizational structure in order to avoid misconceptions.

In order to support Suzanne, it is important to clarify that the long-term care helps older adults to function as independently as possible. Many long-term care organizations offer a variety of different services in addition to the medical care so that their clients feel comfortable (Almgren, 2012). Depending on the social, mental or functional requirements, a patient may need to be transferred to the nursing home; however, it is always thoroughly discussed, and all the options will be reviewed. Long-term care is aimed at supporting the successful adaptation of a person and creating conditions close to the home environment. In addition, in the nursing homes, the caring staff is able to provide care for the patient in a secure environment.

Nevertheless, if there is no need for institutionalizing Susanne’s mother, the woman should be informed about the community-based and respite services that enable the elderly adults to meet their health needs and furnish assistance to caregivers (Almgren, 2012). Apart from that, such organizations like adult day centers provide daily eight-hour care while enabling participants to live with their families. Thus, such centers provide health care service and rehab programs, and participants can stay connected to their families.


Almgren, G. (2012). Health care politics, policy and services: A social justice analysis. New York, NY: Springer.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 7). Long-Term Health Care Settings: Best Practices for Older Adults. https://studycorgi.com/long-term-health-care-settings-for-older-adults/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Long-Term Health Care Settings: Best Practices for Older Adults'. 7 September.

1. StudyCorgi. "Long-Term Health Care Settings: Best Practices for Older Adults." September 7, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/long-term-health-care-settings-for-older-adults/.


StudyCorgi. "Long-Term Health Care Settings: Best Practices for Older Adults." September 7, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/long-term-health-care-settings-for-older-adults/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Long-Term Health Care Settings: Best Practices for Older Adults." September 7, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/long-term-health-care-settings-for-older-adults/.

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