Male Health Drugs:Overview and Effects

Mechanism of Action

There are several pharmacological effects of male drugs that could be discussed. First, androgens promote the normal growth stimulation and the development of primary (male sex organs) and secondary sex characteristics. Besides, male drugs could stimulate RNA at the cellular level and slowdown the decay of amino acids. Another important effect of male drugs is the retention of nitrogen. Finally, the stimulation of the production of erythropoietin in kidneys is possible. All these effects could lead to such results as weight gain, increased muscular strengths, and suppressed sperm production.


Each male health drug has its own indication. For example, androgens are used in hormone replacement therapy. Such drugs as danazol and stanozolol are used to treat hereditary angioedema. Finasteride is applicable to male androgenetic alopecia and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Minoxidil is used by hypertonic patients with androgenetic alopecia. Oxandrolone helps to deal with weight gain, and methyltestosterone is used for postpubertal cryptorchidism. Primary and secondary hypogonadism is treated with the help of testosterone.


The use of androgenic drugs is contraindicated in men with androgen-responsive tumors. Patients, who have major cardiovascular disorders and who take nitrate medications, should consider such contraindications to the use of avanafil, sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil.

Adverse Effects

Adverse effects of androgenic drugs could be observed in livers in the form of blood-filled spaces known as peliosis of the liver. Such condition could be a serious threat to life. Besides, these drugs could lead to the development of such diseases as cholestatic hepatitis, jaundice, and hepatic neoplasms also known as liver cancer. Abnormal liver functions could also be identified. Androgens could be of different classes and lead to different adverse effects including hypotension, depression, drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, dyspnea, headache, chest pain, and priapism. Sildenafil and other drugs in this group are characterized by favorable adverse effects such as blood pressure changes, headache, flushing, and dyspepsia. The use of phosphodiesterase could be the reason of visual loss without any explanations. Finasteride’s adverse effects are a loss of libido and erection and the development of ejaculatory dysfunction.

Nursing Interventions

Any nursing process should consist of several important stages. First, it is an assessment in oral and physical forms including the evaluation of past and present medical diseases and conditions that could clarify the situation, the assessment of urinary elimination, rectal examination, and the administration of drugs. Second, a nursing diagnosis occurs. Then, a planning stage is taken to identify the outcomes of treatment. Finally, the implementation process should not be neglected when patients could be in need of some pieces of advice, explanations of treatment, and additional education. Nurses have to provide patients with enough information about the conditions under which male drugs have to be taken, what effects could be observed, and why some activities cannot be made on a regular basis. Besides, nurses should not forget to evaluate the conditions of patients, observe new symptoms if any, and make notes about the improvement or worsening of the condition.

Patient Teaching

Male health drugs should be protected from light and heat. Some of them could have adverse effects. Patients should also wear gloves when they use some drugs. Some drugs could be used regardless meals. Besides, the hours of sexual activity should be considered.


The exposure of some drugs during handling could result in teratogenic effects.

Food and Drug Interactions

The majority of drugs such as finasteride could be given to patients orally regardless meals.

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