Managerial Accounting Ethics Role

Managerial accounting aims to provide managers with measurement and interpretation of accounting information so they can make informed decisions to maintain and improve a companys performance. This occupation requires possession and development of several essential skills and qualifications. There are also certain ethical standards employees working in this sphere have to follow.

Managerial accounting specialists may encounter multiple moral dilemmas during their practice, which they have to resolve based on the existing recommendations. One of their basic ethical responsibilities is recognizing ethical conflicts and following the established protocols of reporting if the unethical behavior is suspected (Institute of Management Accountants, 2019). The ethical-decision making abilities of an accountant are often tested by the desire of managers or board members to see the most flattering or convenient data to attract prospective investors or increase a companys stock value (Duska, Duska, & Kury, 2018). Therefore, it is very important to note that, according to the ethical standards, if requested to provide inaccurate or altered information, an accounting manager should not only refuse but report such a request.

Thus, ethical decision-making requires that accountants not just abstain from engaging in unethical behavior themselves but also raise attention if they encounter an example of such. This item might be considered as of prodigious importance as, for many people, it can be challenging even to refuse in such situations – reporting demands having even stronger ethical values. No accountant is protected from facing pressure from managers requesting altering the data to serve their needs. Therefore, it is essential that students pursuing their degrees in managerial accounting, as well as current specialists, understand the importance of ethical standards of the profession.

Not only a company itself would benefit from recognizing dishonest actions or requests of its members but also the economy and society, in general. Punishing unethical behavior would allow our communities to develop, becoming places where people acknowledge not only their legal and financial responsibilities but also the basic moral principles they should follow. Therefore, a managerial accounting specialist should act per the ethical recommendations which suggest reporting dishonest behavior if suspected.


Duska, R. F., Duska, B. S., & Kury, K. W. (2018). Accounting ethics. John Wiley & Sons.

Institute of Management Accountants. (2019). IMA management accounting competency framework. Web.

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