Manifesto: the Coronavirus, Technologies, and Unity

Today, the world passes through turbulent times. People in every region know about the danger of COVID-19 or coronavirus that can become lethal. We can now witness how the world changes and adapts to the new conditions to face all challenges, survive, and continue its evolution. I am sure that this issue will become one of the most notable aspects of the newest history, and it is our prior responsibility to guarantee that new generations will be proud of our actions and how we managed to resist a threat. COVID-19 impacts all spheres of human activity and all individuals, regardless of their race, nationality, ethnicity, or age. It means that I also have my attitude to the problem as I had to adapt my studying and other activities to survive and minimize risks. Resting on my experience, interacting with other people, and analyzing the situation in the world, I should say that the coronavirus, technologies, and unity will become the three fundamental issues shaping the next several years.

I can explain my position by discussing every aspect from the list provided above. Today, we already see a significant power of COVID-19 and its ability to interfere with the functioning of states, businesses, markets, and other organizations. The quarantine measures affected the majority of enterprises, and strategically important transport, including aviation. Statistics show that about 5.8 million people suffer from the disease today globally, and this number can grow because of the extremely virulent nature of the illness and its ability to infect people under different conditions and in various environments (ILO 3). Social distancing, limits on movement, and quarantine turn out to be the most effective methods to struggle with the coronavirus. That is why I think that the next several years will be marked by attempts to stop the spread of the pathogen.

The scope of the problem can be seen even today. For instance, civil aviation experiences one of the most significant strikes in its history because of the ban on flights and the need to introduce additional security measures, which can be too costly for carriers (ILO 5). There is a sign of some improvements; however, there are still suggestions to reduce the number of passengers per plane to guarantee the appropriate distancing and minimize risks (ILO 3). The situation in the aviation sphere is just one example, while there are thousands of other ones. All fields have to adapt and change to be ready to function. The ability to preserve working capacity and effectiveness becomes the most important aspect needed for survival. This supports my statement that technologies will become another vital aspect of the following years.

We can witness the third industrial revolution as the world changes radically, and innovations replace outdated approaches and methods. The speed of this process is extremely high, and the digitalization of society increases every year. However, COVID-19 became another facilitator that demonstrated the unique importance of technologies and their ability to support the functioning of all aspects of our world. From my personal experience, I should say that in terms of the pandemic, Skype, Zoom, messengers, and social media became the main means of communication. They provide people with an opportunity to exchange information and remain healthy, which is critically important today. Moreover, the impossibility of mass meetings preconditioned their use in the educational sphere, which has always been viewed as the most conservative one. The popularity of online classes, courses, and training increased significantly, and I am sure that this trend will preserve during the next several years.

Moreover, another cause for the increased importance of technologies is their ability to protect us from COVID-19 and other challenges of this sort. The pandemic demonstrates the fundamental role of science in the existence of the modern world. Compared to the experience of past pandemics, we know how to struggle, survive, and help patients with the disease, which makes the illness less devastating. Moreover, humanity is on its way to the creation of the vaccine against COVID-19, which will help to solve the problem completely and move forwards by enjoying a safe environment. For this reason, technologies, regardless of their nature, will evolve and remain the critically important aspect of our world. That is why I am sure it is vital to devote significant attention to them and be informed about the latest changes.

Finally, I mentioned unity as one of the critically important aspects that will affect the world in the future. Looking back to the 21st century, we can see that more attention was devoted to diversity, individualistic values, and private space. However, it does not contradict my statement as unity means the ability to move together and combine efforts in an attempt to achieve a certain goal. The pandemic of COVID-19 demonstrates the critical importance of our readiness to cooperate and help each other. Accepting the ideas of diversity, we should also recognize the importance of mutual support and togetherness. The scope of the current challenge means that the whole planed might suffer from the coronavirus and its outcomes. For this reason, by helping each other, observing rules and recommendations, and supporting the most vulnerable layers of society, we will be able to move forward and evolve.

I also want to mention family, as a perfect example of unity. All its members care for each other and are ready to engage in various activities to guarantee better living. I always feel support from my close people, which is essential for my personal and professional development. That is why I think that the world will also readmit the fundamental role of this institution as an integral part of our society. The ideas of family and unity come together, and they are also critically important for the ability to resist new challenges such as pandemics or other disasters. That is why I am sure that in the future, we will become more united due to the experience gained today.

Altogether, I think that we live in hard times. At the same time, I am sure that we are lucky to see how the world changes. We are forced to adapt to new challenges, and that is why humanity should use its strong aspects. I manifest the idea that technologies and unity will help to overcome challenges introduced by COVID-19 and become even more potent than we used to be. Crises are an integral part of development, and this one should be used to learn new lessons and focus on aspects of our lives that are important for the future. We have to provide new generations with a chance to achieve better goals, and I believe that these values can help to attain success.

Work Cited

International Labor Organization. “A Policy Framework for Tackling the Economic and Social Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis.” ILO, 2020.

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