Margaret Sanger and Her Contribution to Women’s Freedom

The American dream is a belief in a society free from prejudice, and in the success of people that depends only on their personal qualities. This dream is based on the principle of individual freedom and the protection of human rights. In search of these privileges, new migrants came to the American land and continued to come. Many prominent historical personalities struggled to protect specific ideas and their acceptance to provide American citizens with complete freedom. An example of such an individual is Margaret Sanger, who although was focused on contradictory ideas of eugenics and showed racism, significantly affected the fight for women’s equality.

In the early twentieth century, women actively fought for their rights and equality with men. American activist Margaret Sanger was one of those who understood that this goal could not be achieved until women gained control over their bodies. She advocated that women could reveal their sexuality without consequences that they were not ready for, that they could consciously choose when to become a mother. In support of her ideas, the activist founded a newspaper in which she disseminated information about contraception and other female health topics, and later created the American Birth Control League.

On the personal example of her mother, Margaret Sanger saw how pregnancies could weaken the body. Anna, the activist’s mother, was pregnant 18 times and gave birth to 11 living children (“Margaret Sanger Biography,” 2020). Women throughout the country were forced to bear many kids. Those who tried to avoid this were looking for ways to terminate pregnancy and turned to dangerous methods, such as home abortions. The appearance and work of the American Birth Control League were a response to that situation.

While fighting for rights and equality, Sanger supported the idea that sexuality can absorb potential, and women should meet such a need without fear of undesirable consequences. She also promoted negative eugenics ideas that advocated for social birth control to improve the human race. The activist proposed tight control of offspring and even sterilization for people with hereditary diseases or the representatives of the poor class. At the same time, other races, except white, were also included in the list of groups of people undesirable for reproduction. However, the idea of family planning using contraception to preserve a woman’s health and her freedom was the main one in her work. These values became a background for the activity of the American Birth Control League.

Among the organization’s goals were awareness and education about sexual health, the possibility of distributing contraceptives, and the creation of pills that women could take to avoid pregnancy. The organization also sought to ensure the provision of doctors’ qualified assistance for family planning. Their activities were not just educational or propaganda – practical efforts were also made for the realization of the organization’s goals into reality. For this, Sanger contributed to opening the first American clinic of Planned Parenthood in New York (Planned Parenthood, 2016). All these efforts and goals were set for the sake of women’s freedom and health.

Margaret drew attention to the fact that the lack of control over the body is a problem that concerns many women. Her activities marked the beginning of the research, owing to which birth-control pills appeared. The clinic that the activist helped to open supported women who were against unwanted pregnancies. Its workers provided information about contraception, as well as assistance in the selection of diaphragms. Later due to Sanger’s efforts, Court allowed the import of devices for birth control to the country (“Margaret Sanger Biography,” 2020). Moreover, Sanger’s courage and her actions inspired many feminists, who accelerated the struggle for women’s rights. According to Planned Fatherhood, women who were not indifferent to the problem and after meeting with Sanger often created voluntary units of the organization in various cities (Planned Parenthood, 2016). Their work also served as the basis for modern activities in the field of family planning – some of these units have even survived to this day.

Sanger’s work had results not only during her active career but also years later. Thus, because of the articles that Margaret wrote, the conversation about sexuality became open in a long-term perspective, and the Comstock law on obscenity was repealed (Mundt, 2017). Moreover, modern doctors freely provide advice on contraception, some of which do not just prevent unwanted pregnancies but also the spread of diseases. Now, women are free to choose contraceptive pills together with the medical staff help, and make their future children desirable. Thus, despite Sanger’s contentious outlook, she was able to influence the contemporary world’s establishment significantly.

The ground of the American dream is freedom of choice and expression, the opportunity to build personal life in accordance with own wishes, and not taking into account restrictions imposed by the surrounding people. Open talk about sexual health, raising awareness of this aspect of human life as a normal phenomenon and not obscenity, positively affects a person’s mental state. Moreover, contraception and the ability to choose if women are willing or not to be mothers give them a better chance of equality with men. Even such a controversial aspect as abortion gives women a choice in some situations whether to live with the consequences of certain events or move on. All these opportunities made a significant contribution to the American Dream image.


Margaret Sanger Biography. (2020). Biography. Web.

Mundt, I. (2017). Margaret Sanger, taking a stand for birth control. The History Teacher, 51(1), 123–161. Web.

Planned Parenthood. (2016). Margaret Sanger – Our Founder. Web.

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