Marijuana Use: The Impacts Among College Students

Marijuana use has risen in popularity among many college students, as evidenced in higher learning institutions. Legalizing the drug has facilitated increased intake among young adults attending colleges and universities (NIDA. 2020). Marijuana, through cannabinoid (CBD), is beneficial to patients enduring pain from advanced conditions such as cancer. However, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can have advance impacts on heavy users, depending on when one began abusing drugs (Holland, 2010). Fundamentally, learners acquire information through public awareness campaigns in mitigating the high prevalence of marijuana use. Most importantly, the significant impacts of marijuana use include mental challenges which inhibit cognitive development and psychological growth among college students.

The primary benefits of marijuana are obtained from CBD, a chemical compound with relaxing impacts on the brain. Patients facing conditions with severe pain can acquire medical marijuana for mitigating the pain (NIDA. 2020). For instance, cancer patients use marijuana prescription after laboratory diagnosis and therapies within healthcare institutions. Similarly, college students experiencing seizures and epilepsy are allowed to access medical marijuana in certified pharmacies. Developed countries such as Canada and some states within the U.S. have legalized medical marijuana (Holland, 2010). However, the lack of public information and awareness has resulted in increased THC marijuana over CBD. Access to the former has caused increased use among college student.

Despite the benefits mentioned, there are imminent dangers associated with marijuana use among college students. For instance, a consistent abuse of the drug affects the cognitive abilities of a learner. This is common among individuals who start using drugs before 16 years (NIDA. 2020). Behavioral changes in an individual affect their overall decision-making abilities depicted by young adults (NIDA. 2020). The THC chemical element in marijuana, for instance, affects communication effectiveness and fluency among chronic users (Holland, 2010). Additionally, the product results in schizophrenia later in life as individuals lose vital memory and learning attributes. As a result, marijuana use among college students has more adverse impacts than positive outcomes.

In essence, the negative consequences of marijuana use outweigh the benefits among college students. The medical prescription of the drug with CBD is useful to patients facing chronic conditions (Holland, 2010). Young adults in higher learning institutions can also benefit from the drug by enhancing academic creativity in art subjects. However, the prevalence of the use of marijuana with THC affects a college student more than an ordinary average student (NIDA. 2020). For instance, the lack of effectiveness in time management impacts class attendance negatively among addicts. Moreover, increased dependence on family members for financial stability can affect a student’s academic performance. Uncontrolled use of marijuana affects a person’s life at both individual and professional levels (Holland, 2010). Most importantly, actions motivated by peer pressure on drug abuse should be evaluated to avoid adverse academic impacts among addict students.

In conclusion, marijuana use among college students has more advance impacts than benefits among college students. Individuals in higher learning institutions can suffer from chronic illnesses with severe pain. Such individuals are allowed to access medical marijuana with CBD in authorized healthcare institutions. However, the prevalence of marijuana use among college students is expected in compounds with high THC content. Continuous drug abuse among college students from teen years affects cognitive abilities requiring intelligent decision-making. The social life of addicted students can be affected negatively as one becomes rebellious and highly aggressive. It is fundamental for college students to regulate marijuana intake as it affects their personal and professional lives after completing higher studies.


Holland, J. (2010). The pot book: A complete guide to cannabis: Its role in medicine, politics, science, and culture. Park Street Press.

NIDA. (2020). How does marijuana produce its effects? National Institute on Drug Abuse. Web.

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