Market Segmentation Methods of House Cleaning Service

House cleaning service includes a window, floor, rug, upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning administrations utilized by private residential owners. Geologically, the market is arranged into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific like China and Japan, and a few pieces of Latin America and the Middle East. The demand for such services is highest in North America, followed by Asia-Pacific (Habib et al., 2018). The urban cities are the target market since busy city dwellers with extra disposable income are most likely to need the house cleaning service. The customers usually have big residential households that are difficult to clean on their own.

From a Demographic perspective, these services are an excellent match for working women with families aged 40 to 60 with a monthly salary starting from $5200 and higher. The customers are expected to have a high level of education with at least an undergraduate degree. The Behavioral pattern of the customers is people who want to save time. They often spend money on automated or robotized housing technology such as dishwashers, robot vacuum cleaners, automated mob, and other assisting equipment. Women tend to compare the competing companies in the cleaning industry on websites to find the best option (Habib et al., 2018). Some of them approach the companies that were advised by their colleagues and follow friends. If to look at Psychological market segmentation, customers want to be less stressed by having more time with their family rather than cleaning. The clients are career-oriented women who value their families at the same time (Habib et al., 2018). They are far from conventional perceptions where women are viewed solely as housewives and mothers. They are progressive and support innovative products.


Habib, N., Abdullahi, Z. Y., & Ahmad Dahlan, A. R. (2018). Repairing, maintenance and cleaning services (RMCC) – A conceptual enhanced business model. 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M). Web.

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