Marketing and Collaboration of Departments


Some people believe that the company’s marketing is the sole responsibility of the marketing department. However, depending on the organization and industry, various branches and units within the company can partake in this activity. It is a complex and integrated approach, but it might be highly effective in expanding and promoting the organization’s products. Ultimately, the current essay demonstrates that marketing should be a collaborative effort of various departments and employees with unique skill sets and perspectives.

Supporting Evidence

There is extensive supporting evidence to prove the paper’s thesis about the effectiveness of the integrated approach. For instance, Feng et al. (218) have found that the collaboration of engineers and IT specialists in marketing can significantly improve the company’s image and promote its services. The authors particularly emphasize how product development (PD) teams can showcase new products and highlight the most exciting and innovative features (Feng et al. 219). Moreover, marketing and PD are highly dependent on each other. For example, Apple’s product strategy of showcasing their new devices at special events is a collaborative effort of marketing and PD teams (Zaichenko par. 3). This approach creates a massive public resonance because engineers from Apple present their innovations themselves instead of inviting people with insufficient competencies. As a result, this collaboration of the marketing and PD departments improves Apple’s advertisement strategy.


Marketing is a complicated and multifaceted process, implying that the marketing departments need all possible assistance and knowledge from other branches. The collaborative effort is more effective precisely because people with diverse competencies and skill sets present unique ideas on how to improve advertisement strategies. Naturally, the marketing department employees are more proficient in the promotion process, but it does not mean that they do not need assistance and additional knowledge from other branches. Ultimately, the current essay argues that marketing is the responsibility of the whole company, and the promotion process can benefit from the collaborative effort.

Works Cited

Feng, Taiwen, et al. “When Marketing and Manufacturing Departments Integrate: The Influences of Market Newness and Competitive Intensity.” Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 75, 2018, pp. 218-231.

Zaichenko, Dmytro. “The Role of Marketing Strategy in New Product Development.” The Product Manager, Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Marketing and Collaboration of Departments." July 2, 2023.

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