Tesla Company Management Analysis

Tesla is one of the most popular companies in the world. Its CEO, Elon Musk, is a highly influential, innovative, and intelligent person. The organization produces high-quality electric cars which do not damage the environment and help people stay safe on the roads. The company’s main values are protecting the planet, fighting CO2 incensement, and creating innovative products. These are the features that distinguish Tesla from its competitors and make it operate in a blue ocean. The business manages to be relevant to the customers’ needs and values, trying to join and make the world a better place together.

Tesla has several strong competitive advantages over its rivals, which distinguish it. For instance, the company’s main values are people’s safety and maintaining a sustainable environment. It is fundamental to produce such cars for the future of the world to accelerate a transition to sustainable transport (Tesla 1:38-1:43). The company is concerned about the high level of CO2, which can lead to deplorable consequences for humanity. Such a level of carbon concentration was 11 million years ago (Tesla 2:09-2:13). Elon Musk is concerned about the temperature increasing around the globe. Combustion cars are dangerous for the environment; they emit toxic gases, resulting in human deaths. Such an approach attracts potential customers; high values and a desire to make the world a better place benefit Tesla.

Furthermore, the organization’s competitive advantages are the affordable prices of the vehicles and constant innovations that surprise and attract people around the globe. The organization’s workers are provided with a place where they can feel free to create and innovate and be respected for that. Its corporate strategy is to produce innovative and sustainable electric cars. Moreover, analyzing the company, it is clear that economically electric car industry is gaining popularity and growing, which gives Tesla more opportunities and enables strive.

Politically the organization benefits the government because it improves the economy. Any society influences businesses severely: any company depends on employees and customers. In the 21st century, concern about the environment has become crucial, and more and more people are taking steps to save the planet. This influences Tesla in a way that makes it relevant and essential nowadays. Its environmentally friendly approach is one of the reasons why it is popular. Moreover, the company benefits from innovative technologies; using them wisely it creates innovation. Legally Tesla had a few problems, which affected the trust of some people in it.

Tesla’s functional strategy is diversified, qualified, and creative employees who aim to bring value to the product. The company’s initial plan was to start from small things, which is why they created a low-volume car Tesla Roadster. The vehicle was not very successful or popular due to its high price (Tesla 4:22-4:26). The organization’s mission was to show the world that it is possible to make a great electric car, and it completed it properly. Tesla Roadster was beautiful, fast, and had many convenient functions, dispelling the myth that electric cars are ugly and inconvenient to use. Tesla aimed to have an effect on the car industry, understand what cars would be more convenient for the clients, and open people’s eyes by showing them an innovation that would change everything.

Then, Tesla created the Model S, which is considered to be the fastest and the best car known in history. Afterward, the Model X was released, similar to the Model S, but with different bodywork. These two models were crucial because the revenue from selling them was aimed at developing the Model 3. Elon Musk stated that it would be impossible to create this car without completing the previous steps (Tesla 8:11-8:17). Thus, the initial strategy was to deserve people’s trust and show how great electro cars are, and afterward improve the service and vehicles to offer clients more.

Due to the company’s features, it differs from others severely and is currently operating in a blue ocean. The company’s business strategy is to compete by offering people cutting-edge, affordable, and safe for the planet vehicles. Its strategy is to make the vehicles faster and better and operate in the premium market, offering people the best. By making mistakes with previous models, Tesla now aims to create the highest volume car at the lowest price.

The company has a hierarchal, centralized, and divisional structure. It sticks to its rules and internal laws. The group of people controls all the operations within it and maintains its culture. The organization is divisional because it implements different strategies in its marketing campaigns. Furthermore, the company is highly flexible; it adjusts to new circumstances, overcomes obstacles, and improves its services according to the customers’ needs.

In conclusion, Tesla is an innovative company with effective strategies and high values. The planet’s and its customers’ safety is paramount to it. The organization’s initial plan was to open people’s eyes to electric cars and show how convenient, beautiful, and fast they may be. Due to producing different models, Tesla understood what people wanted and how to meet their needs. Now the company aims to create the most affordable cars at as high quality as possible.

Work Cited

“Tesla Unveils Model 3.” YouTube, uploaded by Tesla, 2016.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Tesla Company Management Analysis." July 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/tesla-company-management-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. "Tesla Company Management Analysis." July 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/tesla-company-management-analysis/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Tesla Company Management Analysis." July 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/tesla-company-management-analysis/.

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