Marketing Strategy for the Cloud-Based Platform “Swiftly”

Market Description

The transportation market in the United States is evaluated at $1.6 trillion in 2018 by the International Trade Organization.

Product Review

Swiftly is a cloud-based platform for collecting and analyzing transportation data and managing the logistics of a business.

Review of Competition

Public transportation data can be found on the following websites – Moovit MaaS Solution and Optibus OnSchedule. Maas is mainly used for scheduling public transport routes, while Optibus also allows monitoring performance and costs. However, it does not appear that there is a service that can provide both data and data analysis features, which makes Swiftly unique.

Review of Distribution

The main distribution channel is Swift’s website. Moreover, this is a cloud-based solution, meaning that its implementation does not require any additional discs, flash drives, or other resources that the customer does not already possess.

Threats and Opportunities Analysis

The main threat is the decrease in the number of passengers and regulations aiming to ensure people’s safety due to COVID-19, which will inevitably affect the profits of public transportation companies. The opportunity, however, is the need to dedicate more attention to analyzing the costs, work hours, the number of passengers on a route, and other factors to enable better operations efficiency.

  • Increasing competition in this market
  • COID-19 safety measures affecting public transportation
  • Public programs for efficient transportation
  • More attention towards the efficiency of use of public funds

Objectives and Issues

The objective is to establish Swiftly as a partner for public transportation companies in all 50 states within the next five years. The main issue of Swifty is the difficulty associated with marketing a product for a public organization funded by the government, from both local and federal agencies.

Marketing Strategy

The key aspects of the marketing strategy are efficiency – Swiftly can be integrated with other software and can provide tools for advanced data analysis, allowing to optimize the work of public transport.


The service positions itself as a tool for public transportation companies that can be integrated into their existing system and used to plan, manage, and analyze public transportation.

Product Strategy

Swiftly’s key customers are public transportation companies, which are mostly owned by the government. Therefore, their strategy must be tailored towards these agencies, and the main focus should be on efficiency – how this service can help control public transportation, including bus drivers and support managers. Additionally, this service helps analyze the data, which can help create more effective strategies for managing transportation, for example, based on the number of passengers on a certain route.


Because Swiftly offers a unique product, the pricing will depend on the number of vehicles at a subscription-based model with a monthly payment, starting at $1000/month.

Marketing Communication Strategy

Because Swiftly is cloud-based software, it is natural to advertise it online, using targeting and partnering with aggregator websites that collect data on different software vendors.

Marketing Research

The research will be done through an online survey, asking questions such as what is the most useful feature of Swiftly? Do data collection methods help optimize the work of the company?

Action Programs

What will be done?

Advertisement using GoogleAds will be done, to ensure that people searching for public transportation management software will find Swiftly’s website. In addition, articles on websites that review software for data analysis and public transportation companies and software aggregators will be bought.

When will it be done?

The advertising campaign will begin in July and end in December.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 25). Marketing Strategy for the Cloud-Based Platform “Swiftly”.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'Marketing Strategy for the Cloud-Based Platform “Swiftly”'. 25 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "Marketing Strategy for the Cloud-Based Platform “Swiftly”." March 25, 2022.


StudyCorgi. "Marketing Strategy for the Cloud-Based Platform “Swiftly”." March 25, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Marketing Strategy for the Cloud-Based Platform “Swiftly”." March 25, 2022.

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