Marketing to Different Generations

Different generations depict various channel preferences from the marketers since they possess diversified thoughts and behavior. The generation more likely influences the mindsets they belong to. Instead of emphasizing a single data point, generational segmentation offers marketers a well-informed consumer profile that functions as an initial point for determining their purchasing behavior, values, and motivations (Moschis, 2017). Generational marketing involves categorizing and targeting customers based on the year they were born. Currently, there are four main generations: baby boomers, Gen X (generation X), millennials (generation Y), and Gen Z (generation Z) (Moschis, 2017). Each generation possesses its set of preferences, shared experiences, and beliefs that influence how they think and act. This essay will consider how the marketing law of leadership, Apple products, and social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, connect.

The primary aspect of marketing is establishing a category that a company is first in. It is easier to enter the consumers’ minds than persuade them that the company has a better product (Moschis, 2017). One of the products enjoyed and supported by the millennials is Apple. Since this generation is mainly concerned with technology, Apple has built the strongest emotional bond with individuals in this category (Moschis, 2017). Millennials are distinct from other generations concerning how they conduct research and purchase products. They prefer to bypass websites, go for blogs and social media, and trust online reviews. Apple should focus on implementing digital marketing strategies tailored towards millennials to meet their unique habits.

A millennial is a group of individuals who like to spend much of their time socializing over the internet. Individuals in this segment have abandoned the traditional aspects of socialization since they have shifted to online platforms (Moschis, 2017). Thus, Apple should publish its advertising campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The company has to be a leader in the technology industry over its competitors. Also, Apple should be the first to enter their consumers’ minds rather than attempt to persuade them that their products are better. This will ensure that they receive positive reviews from their consumers once they purchase their products. The ratings and recommendations published for a product by customers will attract other millennials to buy the same product (Moschis, 2017). Moreover, Apple should establish a functional online shopping platform where customers can order and pay for their products.

Apple company should aim at being the first option in the minds of their customers than wasting marketing resources on trying to sway individuals’ minds. It is challenging for a firm to change an individual’s already made-up mind. It is crucial to be the first in the market because it improves the likelihood of Apple products in millennials’ minds. Marketing is an aspect that involves a fight of perception instead of a product (Moschis, 2017). The company has made the name of its products simple and easy to remember ensuring them to be unique in the marketplace.

Millennials like entertainment, specifically, the ones that are aligning with technology. Apple company involves itself in manufacturing deices tailored for technology. The company has to perform evaluations regarding the needs of the millennials before producing their products. This is because millennials quickly go for products that meet their needs without considering other aspects (Moschis, 2017). Thus, Apple can collect information concerning their requirements and manufacture technological devices addressing their demands. The data is obtained from the reviews and ratings published by the customers on the company’s website regarding the products the firm has been manufacturing. The outcome of such will ensure that the company leverage its available resources to bring a positive impact to the firm.


Moschis, G. P. (2017). Generational Marketing 1. In Consumption & Generational Change (pp. 149-170). Routledge.

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