Martin Scorsese’s Impact on Cinema

Cinema is represented by various films and numerous people involved in the process of filmmaking. Some of those people stand out in the eyes of the public more since they have a great influence on the industry. An example of such a person is Martin Scorsese, known for movies like The Departed, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Scorsese’s several talents and crafts play a big role in cinema, presenting many prominent movies to a wide range of viewers.

Before discussing a person’s importance in a certain industry, it is crucial to understand their personality. A descendant of immigrants from Sicily, Martin Scorsese was born in the fall of 1942 in New York City (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Martin spent his early years in Queens, but his family had to move to Little Italy, Manhattan, in 1950 (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). At the age of twenty, he was enrolled in the Department of Radio-Television-Film of New York University (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Martin’s choice of major was inspired by a professor who represented the film industry, Haig Manukyan (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). As students in his department could attend several courses on cinematography with real opportunities for practice, Martin became fonder of the production process (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Martin Scorsese’s determination toward cinema began to strongly develop at college, establishing a basis for his future career.

One of the distinctive aspects of Martin Scorsese’s influence on cinema is his creativity. However, it is important to mention that his creative style was influenced and supported by Thelma Schoonmaker, a director with whom they have worked together for some time (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Scorsese’s creativity can be seen in his use of time and a freeze-frame as he is one of the few directors to implement the static image technique to attract the audience’s attention (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Moreover, Scorsese is also known for the use of camera flash and the Maxi Nine Light reflector to create a special effect inducing viewers’ feelings (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Furthermore, Scorsese’s work has impacted not only the audience but his colleagues in the industry as well. For instance, although creating a different mood, Paul Thomas Anderson used Scorsese’s technique of flashbacks in one of his films (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Martin Scorsese’s craft of certain approaches to filmmaking has affected people within the industry and beyond.

Martin Scorsese’s success is due to both his skills and hard work. He has spent many years looking for new talents to work on his films, discovering actors, fighting with studios, and exploring different genres (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Scorsese is known to give public speeches related to the preservation of the National Film Foundation, drawing lines between classical and new cinema (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). Movies such as Gangs of New York distinguish Scorsese as one of the directors who set the basis for the “New Hollywood” cinema (Pogrebniak et al., 2021). For years, Scorsese’s works have been influencing the filmmaking industry.

To summarize, Martin Scorsese’s crafts and hard work have impacted cinema due to his approach to the use of various techniques and the ability to alter the viewers’ feelings. His interest in films can be traced back to his college years and was supported by other people, such as his professors and co-workers. With that being said, Martin Scorsese is a great influencer himself, as his movies have affected an entire industry.


Pogrebniak, G. P., Boiko, O. S., Iudova-Romanova, K. V., Priadko, O. M., & Stepanenko, K. S. (2021). The art of director, screenwriter, and actor Martin Scorsese as an author’s cinematography model. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(4). 1439-1450. Web.

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