Mass Media as a Powerful Cultural Construct


Mass media and the Internet are powerful tools that dictate the way people interpret other cultures and practices. A trend of social interaction emerges whereby viewers and readers are able to have a taste of exotic beliefs, values, knowledge, and attitudes. The analyzed commercials and YouTube videos present powerful cultural lessons that could help individuals excel in different fields. Depending on the intentions of the producers, mass media could present messages that are culturally conscious or stereotypical in nature. This essay provides an analysis of the emerging issues and lessons gained from the studied commercials and video advertisements.


Most of the watched videos and commercials offer powerful lessons that can guide more people to succeed when interacting with others from different cultural backgrounds. The messages appear to be customized in such a way that they meet the demands of all global citizens. However, some of them are stereotypical in nature and offer generalized information. For instance, most of the works from the Asian region appear to put more emphasis on beauty and cultural attributes. The commercials produced in the United States offer detailed content that resonates with the demands of more viewers. Additionally, commercials from the African region appear to rely on the use of local languages. Such adverts tend to focus on the religious and social attributes of the targeted viewers (Rodgers et al., 2019). The audience also observes that most of the adverts fail to take into consideration the demands and expectations of disabled listeners or viewers.

With these observations, it becomes clear that there is a need for individuals to develop ideas and skills that can guide them to interact with others in a culturally competent manner. The presented messages have the potential to influence identity formation. With the possession of the best competencies, individuals can be in a position to pinpoint the recorded differences and stereotypes. They will also be keen to identify the best ways to communicate with people with diverse backgrounds without necessarily triggering additional problems (Rodgers et al., 2019). With this kind knowledge, some examples of commercials that appear to promote cultural consciousness include Coca-Cola’s Taste the Feeling and the one by the Western Sydney University (WSU). These commercials bring together people from diverse backgrounds and present messages that can help them reinvent themselves. The ideas could also help the audience to appreciate the concepts of cultural competence and be ready to live harmoniously in their respective societies.

Key Competencies

The completed exercise has presented a number of competencies that can help more people are achieve their goals as members of a diverse global society. It is evident that cultural differences can encourage individuals to remain biased and engage in actions that might not be appropriate for people with divergent views and opinions. A person who intends to take up leadership roles in organizations characterized by followers with diverse backgrounds should be willing to develop specific competencies that make them culturally competent and acceptable (Williams, 2018). They should also engage in continuous learning to identify new skills that can take them closer to their goals.

The first outstanding competency from the analyzed materials is the ability to communicate effectively when dealing with people with diverse backgrounds. With this skill, it would be possible to craft the relevant messages and pass them across to the intended listeners. This skill will be expanded to include the ability to listen attentively and apply nonverbal competencies in a professional manner. This achievement will make it possible for leaders to avoid displaying their biases and consider the best ways to make their environments more attractive (Rodgers et al., 2019). They will identify the right beliefs or values and communicate efficiently with the targeted followers. From the identified mass media, it is agreeable that leaders should be willing to liaise with their listeners in a manner that is understandable and capable of improving the level of comprehension. From this analysis, it is evident that leaders who ignore such a trait will remain biased and be unable to engage their follower fully.

The second skill that is capable of delivering positive results when leading others in a cultural competent manner is knowledge in other people’s worldviews and practices. This understanding will help the leader be aware of the behaviors, attitudes, and behaviors of people from other cultural backgrounds. Such a leadership will foster secure and sustainable relationships. They will respect diversity and engage in activities that can promote a sense of diversity (Williams, 2018). The nature of this skill means that the individual will be able to reflect the values, practices, views, and beliefs of others. A sense of respect will emerge whereby all followers will have a sense of belonging. This kind of skill will make it possible for the involved individuals to communicate effectively with each other a foster a sense of confidence. This practice will create a sense of respect whereby all participants will be focusing on the best outcomes.

The third competence that stands out from the examined videos and commercials is the ability to combat stereotype. Mass media producers tend to engage in actions that might result in some form of bias. This outcome is possible when the consumers or audience might be from diverse backgrounds (Williams, 2018). Stereotypes tend to emerge when the viewers of commercials consider ideas and messages that are inappropriate. Such malpractices will help support cultural conditioning and ensure that more people are part of the process. This strategy will support the creation of an enabling environment whereby all followers are able to understand each other (Rodgers et al., 2019). The leaders will guide their colleagues to value the abilities and capacities of each other. They will embrace new ideas for thinking from the same perspective while maintaining their cultural differences. A sense of respect will emerge and eventually contribute to cultural richness and improvement. The leader will always e involved to promote a new strategy for continuous reflection and ensuring that cultural competence becomes the norm. Individuals can also consider these issues to improve their competencies, appreciate the concept of cultural conditioning, and support the creation of sustainable communities and organizations.


The above discussion has identified cultural inclusivity as a powerful concept that can help more people relate positively with others. Leaders who want to be cognizant of the power of cultural conditioning should pursue and develop a number of competencies. The studied ones include the ability to combat stereotypes, knowledge of other people’s cultural beliefs, and the possession of proper communication skills. Those who engage in continuous learning will embrace the power of mass media and eventually succeed in their respective fields.


Rodgers, J., Hoon, S., & McAllister, B. (2019). Perceptions of frontline managers practicing diversity management. Journal of Social Change, 11(1), 14-29. Web.

Williams, S. (2018). Developing the capacity of culturally competent leaders to redress inequitable outcomes: Increasing opportunities for historically marginalized students. Administrative Issues Journal, 8(1), 48-58. Web.

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