Massachusetts General Hospital’s Growth in Boston

In the United States, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston is one of the renowned and old healthcare facilities that have offered different services to patients for over a century. The organization is well known following its extensive involvement in medical research activities aimed at improving the quality of healthcare and management of chronic diseases such as cancer. It is also actively participating in social welfare of the surrounding communities by providing different services. MGH provides diagnostic and therapeutic in various areas of both surgery and medicine. The institution offers its services at national, local, and worldwide levels.

The general growth and advancement of MGH in the country were greatly impacted by the social events that made its functions significant to the people. The hospital developed several programs that focused on ensuring the individuals achieved adequate knowledge on managing the health status from the diets and healthy living habits. MGH also has diverse professionals and engineering that help in offering the best medication service to the patients. The creation of youth programs impacted the growth of MGH, which made it an important institution in averting health risks amongst the people.

Impact of Youth Program on the Growth of MGH

In the past years, MGH has engaged in a social event that target youths by partnering with institutions such as Revere High School, Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers, and Chelsea High School. The main aim is to inspire the young generation to have understanding and proper insight on the health issues that can easily impact them and the surrounding community as a whole. Furthermore, the program allows the students to secure job opportunities in its different departments with the organization. Furthermore, the youth program enables MGH to work closely with the community, thus bringing the available resources and the individuals together to tackle most of the challenging health issues in society. The platform was intended to increase the overall health status of people by improving their living standards and healthy eating (Walensky et al., 2018). In addition, through the process, MGH managed to prevent the abuse of drugs amongst the youths, especially in Chelsea Community, that could affect their wellbeing. Therefore, the initiation youth program social event influenced the overall growth of the organization by making its implication known to the people.

Patient Gateway Service

MGH provides arrays of healthcare services to the patients to ensure they receive high-quality treatment that is easily accessible and affordable. Patient Gateway is a program that allows sick individuals to have easy access to their health information through an online platform. The hospital uses the service to enable patients to communicate with the respective physician on matters pertaining to the illness. Generally, it is difficult to connect with doctors to enquire about critical issues or to book an appointment for check pus following a large number of people who are seeking the same services.

Patient gateway service has made it simple for the patients in the MGH to check and receive information from the health providers. It also allows the customers to pay the hospital bills at ease wherever they are located. The platform has reduced the waiting time or congestion in the facility, thus making the service delivery to be faster. Furthermore, clients are capable of connecting with nurses, thus making them manage health complications that require urgent intervention. The system has made it possible for most patients to receive the necessary information concerning their health status, enhancing their safety. MGH is also in a position to handle and manage a large number of queries from different patients at various locations, thus making the service to the community effective.

The increasing need to enhance the quality of health care services and improve the safety of patients in the hospitals has prompted MGH to invest and adopt current technology in its facility. MGH is using video conferencing to offer TeleHealth services to its clients. The virtual treatment mechanism allows the institution to deliver quality healthcare to patients who are not within its unit. The approach enhances easy access to the services in a more convenient way. The method enables the organization to extend its services to people outside the US and individuals who might have difficulty accessing the facility due to financial constraints.

Similarly, the implementation of the TeleBurn program to provide medical services to patients with burnt bodies makes it more convenient for them to receive healthcare from professionals. The technology reduces unnecessary movement and allows the sick individual to interact with the doctor so easily. The system enhances quality patient care within the community, therefore, increasing the safety of the clients (Madrigal, 2020). In addition, the program makes it easier for the doctors to conduct routine check-ups on the victims.

MGH integrated its healthcare system through digital transformation to facilitate synchronized patient care. Having a collaborative platform is effective in ensuring the professionals within the facility can easily coordinate to provide the best and most appropriate services to the clients (Latifi, 2019). The method impacted the organization’s performance since customers records are placed in a single system where physicians can easily access to verify any information concerning the sick individual during operation. The approach enables nurses to offer the necessary treatment based on the individual data in the hospital system.

The application of emerging technology in the health care system has provided relief to MGH in a number of ways. First, the institution uses the data captured into its system from the patients to analyze the trend and types of diseases that are most common amongst the patients. Having the information allows the organization to budget based on the prevalence of sicknesses to ensure they have adequate facilities to manage the illnesses.

Furthermore, contemporary technology provides an easier way to store and retrieve data, thus making the healthcare unit save the cost for managing the massive amount of information. This enables the hospital to have enough funds to redirect to other programs to boost the patient care services. Similarly, the savings are directed to the research programs being conducted by the institution to improve the quality of services.

Engaging in social events made MGH become a renowned community healthcare institution, therefore, locals embraced its services. The organization initiated different programs that targeted improving the overall wellbeing of the people in the society. They focused on enhancing healthy eating habits and reducing substance abuse among youths. MGH also engaged in the usage of the trending technology in the field of healthcare to facilitate better service delivery to the patients. Integrating and developing a digital system resulted in coordinated healthcare provision by the providers, which led to an improvement in the quality of health. Similarly, the adoption of TeleHealth and TeleBurn program enabled the patients to receive treatment while at home, therefore, lowering the cost associated with transport to the facility. The current technological system has enabled the hospital to save on its expenditure, thus having enough funds to invest in other projects intended to boost the performance of the institution.


Latifi, R. (Ed.). (2019). The modern hospital: Patients centered, disease based, research oriented, technology driven. Springer.

Madrigal, E. (2020). Going remote: Maintaining normalcy in our pathology laboratories during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Cancer Cytopathology, 128(5), 321-322. Web.

Walensky, R. P., Kim, Y., Chang, Y., Porneala, B. C., Bristol, M. N., Armstrong, K., & Campbell, E. G. (2018). The impact of active mentorship: results from a survey of faculty in the Department of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. BMC medical education, 18(1), 1-8. Web.

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