Private Hospitals’ Health Facility Capacity

In the Australian healthcare system, private facilities are owned by companies or a collection of corporations. Private hospitals are notable from the public facilities that can offer services under the government bills at the service centers. Company-owned healthcare institutions provide a wide range of options for patients to choose the service and the specialist they are interested in (Theophilus & Sidi, 2019). The above entities also allow patients to visit more frequently and at the appointed time. Thus, these healthcare institutions work towards providing services to the population, minimizing the public hospital’s overall burden. Services provided follow the agreement between the patient and the caregiver. The beneficial factors of a private clinic outdo the advantages of the public facilities.

Private Hospitals: Activities in the Sector

The private sector is associated with various activities performed to save human lives. They have little experience conducting life-saving processes but can undertake semi-urgent procedures that depend on the hired expert and enough time. The extension also provides coverage of fatal illnesses such as expensive cancer treatment. There is also the availability of outpatient discussions that serve to assist the client in understanding their ailments and the way to manage or get treatment. A conducive environment ensures that patients get the highest level of care they need without facing challenges in the processes (Theophilus & Sidi, 2019). For instance, lifts have made it easier for people living with disabilities to access the service in tower buildings.

A clean and comforting environment can serve as a marketing tool since more patients are likely to be referred to the facility. Private hospitals can also serve as diagnostic and research points; evidence shows that the most significant part of the laboratories in Australia is individually owned (Theophilus & Sidi, 2019). They are moving to conduct an experiment that gives a chance to new medicinal inventions. The improved service provision indicates a better diagnosis is being performed and the opportunities of the facility expanding are a bit high. They also undertake the distribution of drugs after authorization from the governing bodies and approval from the world health organization.

The Competitive Landscape and Models

Like any other business, the private sector is affected by the struggle for service delivery for other non-governmental organizations like church-based organizations. The church organization provides a wide range of services that only a limited payment is applied. The advancement in technology gives a high chance of hospitals competing to ensure that they all have the best services (Bakar et al., 2019). For instance, cancer treatment machines keep changing over time, and the private sector is on the top trying to make the devices more available for the users. Competition is good and vital because it ensures that healthcare improves to more required standards.

Some of the healthcare models used include; firstly, the product leader is concerned with providing advanced medical care and the best healthcare results. The leader majors more on the clinical model and associated culture, ensuring that patients receive what they have paid in return for the needed services. The forerunner ensures that the facility has health professionals who can provide a variety of services, and they sustain the ability of the hospital to provide overall health needs (Bakar et al., 2019). They also promote good partnerships with other private and non-governmental organizations to benchmark suitable for their hospital and other beneficial relationships. Secondly, the experienced leader, the model places customer contentment and satisfaction on the top and goes a step further to ensure consistency of services. The continuous provision of service and positive response from patients serve as stepping stones for the organization to advance.

The leader gets a deeper understanding of the patients’ preferences, and choices and frames mean to ensure that the needed services are well done. The cost of the service being provided will determine whether the hospital retains the customer or not possible. The administrator should also focus on data and information transfers between different departments. There should be a high level of investment in information technology and a positive attitude toward outsiders. The data provided gives a guideline on the strengths and weaknesses that need to be worked on seriously (Bakar et al., 2019). Additionally, the integrator model includes networking with other organizations to ensure the best is provided. The service prices are the primary concern for this model. Health seekers will tend to visit facilities that provide affordable healthcare services and are not likely to face financial exploitations. There should be standard agreement on the pricing terms to ensure the target population does not wander around searching for services. The integration of decisions serves as a pillar to profit-making. The service fee should also be regulated to ensure limited costs are maintained.

The current trend in the private sector shows a series of progressive changes. For instance, a collaborative environment, the set rules, and guidelines should allow working together to achieve a common goal: the well-being of humans. The early understanding of the facts was an individual goal, but the changing pattern of how diseases and pandemics are occurring has provided enough reason for joint action. The collaborative partners include; the different healthcare providers, medical suppliers and other essential equipment, and other non-hospital organizations coming together to address all types of health concerns (Wyatt, 2018). It brings into understanding the health gap that needs to be filled and innovative methods that can be applied to solve healthcare problems. The cooperative competition needs application because the good act should show its importance through assisting other organizations in growing and boosting health service provision.

The above actions can help offload financially exploitative services and promote access to vulnerable populations. Identifying changes and opportunities to work together with substantial retail stores can help lessen the cost and increase the access to healthcare to all patients at a cheaper price (Wyatt, 2018). The coopetition allows the market growth and expansion while promoting health where new organizations offer an external force that is a driving factor to good health service delivery. Workforce diversity and personal safety, the ability of an organization to allow the workers to operate ad work in different hospitals is a beneficial factor. Skill borrowing is achieved, and the professional’s level of knowledge increases. More effective and applicable problem-solving techniques are acquired. The significant organization and firms’ investment in computer technology provides the workers with the flexibility to operate in all areas. Virtual care is also the rise to ensure access to all categories of people, and the population needs to adopt the new ways of healthcare innovativeness.

Working Environment

The overview of the working environment entails the provision of the supportive feature that assists in the treatment. The enrolment and the ability to retain the health workforce suggest that the work condition needs improvement. The allocation of tasks and duties has to go in hand with the workers’ area of specialization to ensure a smooth operation. An attractive and conducive environment can promote individual and customer satisfaction (Kim, 2017). Poor conditions are the basis for medical errors and loss of customers. Therefore, specific actions should ensure that the necessary measures are implemented for adequate service provision.

Factors influencing the work conditions include; the motivational aspect; the environment is a factor in this because workers tend to get inspired in a conducive surrounding that best fits their interests. The employees feel happy to be associated with a succeeding organization. Internal communication is a factor since a good flow of information and data leads to good evaluations that create room for joint decision-making. The workers should get alerts on what is happening in the facility; they need to be kept aware. Recognition and rewards need to be performed keenly, and hardworking characters should get what they deserve without restriction.

Another aspect that could affect working conditions is ethical related issues. It is vital to ensure that no individual rights of health any health care seeker is be violated. Such abuses could occur if a patient lacks the ability to make informed decision concerning their lives, leading to serious health issues. However, these incidents could be corrected by adhering to the set guidelines and procedures. Moreover, dealing with opposite gender could sometimes prove to be challenging (Xu & Zhang, 2019). For instance, in some regions, women are supposed to be handled by female caregivers; the same applies to men. Thus, violating the mentioned guidelines can lead to crime or even court summons being issued to concerned individuals. Additionally, patients’ safety has to be greatly observed since, any issues arising from negligence or incompetence on the part of caregivers could lead to people being sued and prosecuted. Therefore, the well-being of the patient should be prioritized by all stakeholders to avoid fatal occurrences.


Bakar, R., Manongi, R., & Mmbaga, B. (2019). Health facility capacity to provide maternal and newborn healthcare services in Unguja. Global Journal of Health Science, 11(10), 120.

Kim, W. (2017). The impact of online reviews on customer satisfaction: An application of the American customer satisfaction index (ACSI). International Journal of Tourism Management and Sciences, 32(5), 65-78. Web.

Theophilus A., I. & Sidi A., R. (2019). The role of service quality in patients (customer) satisfaction in public healthcare institutions in Ghana. International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development, 5(2), 65-73.

Wyatt, L. (2018). Homeless patients and how healthcare managers can help. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 24(10), 514-515.

Xu, H., & Zhang, N. (2019). Privacy in health disparity research. Medical Care, 57(Suppl 2), S172-S175.

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