Maximizing AI Potential: Strengths, Ethics, and Applications


More people are using AI, and understanding its abilities can help with effectively using its potential. AI is vastly superior to humans in many ways and is an important addition to our knowledge. AI can be useful for various tasks such as image recognition, data analysis, forecasting, and automation. It excels best at tasks that require large amounts of data or large numbers of iterations.

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Society should be conscious of what AI does best because doing so ascertains the ability to incorporate AI effectively and ethically. From the considerations of efficiency and scientific progress, understanding what AI applications excel at will help use the technology to its fullest, achieving the best possible outcomes for its users. AI’s utility will be lost if society decides to rely on its functions that are not the strongest.

Aside from effective AI implementation, staying aware of AI’s most evident abilities is essential from an ethical viewpoint (De Cremer, 2020). Innovators seeking to incorporate AI into decision-making processes currently performed by humans and involving ethical reasoning should ensure that AI succeeds at such tasks and can offer ethically sound decisions. Otherwise, AI implementation might lead to unjust systems that mimic humans’ biased thinking and commit common reasoning mistakes, thus producing unfair and unethical choices.

AI can excel at tasks that include processing large amounts of information, such as data analysis to search for relationships between different parameters, forecasting, and decision-making. For example, AI can be utilized for automated tasks such as financial market trading, image recognition, and even automated programming.

But should we trust AI for moral choices? The answer to this question is complex and depends on the specific situation. Says that an AI should be assessed based on how it copes with assisting people in communicating. We should consider the technology-related aspect and the social factors affecting the system (De Cremer, 2020). In some cases, trusting AI can lead to positive results; in others, it can lead to negative consequences.


Finally, it is important to understand when AI can be useful and when it cannot. AI does not yet have a high enough degree of self-awareness or the ability to make morally justified decisions. Overall, it should not be relied upon for moral choices, and understanding what AI excels at is important for making the right implementation-related decision.


De Cremer, D. (2020). What does building a fair AI really entail? Harvard Business Review. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2024. "Maximizing AI Potential: Strengths, Ethics, and Applications." October 15, 2024.

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