Mayo Clinic: Health Care Risk Management


Healthcare risk management is critical to patient safety, as it helps minimize the risk of adverse events and improve the quality of care. Mayo Clinic, a renowned healthcare organization, has a comprehensive approach to healthcare risk management that includes several components, such as patient safety culture, patient safety processes, patient safety data and analytics, risk reduction and mitigation, and patient safety communications. Each component is led by stakeholders, including senior leaders, clinical leaders, data analysts, risk management professionals, and communication professionals.


Mayo Clinic has a comprehensive approach to healthcare risk management designed to minimize the risk of adverse events and improve patient safety. The components of the plan for health care risk management, as outlined on their website, include (Mayo Clinic, 2023):

  1. Patient Safety Culture: Developing and maintaining a safety culture throughout the organization.
  2. Patient Safety Processes: Implementing and improving patient safety processes to minimize the risk of adverse events.
  3. Patient Safety Data and Analytics: Collecting, analyzing, and using patient safety data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.
  4. Risk Reduction and Mitigation: Implementing strategies to reduce risk and mitigate adverse events.
  5. Patient Safety Communications: Providing effective and timely communication to patients, families, and staff regarding patient safety.

The stakeholders responsible for the implementation of each component include the following:

  1. The patient safety culture component is led by senior leaders, who set the tone for safety culture and establish the importance of patient safety throughout the organization.
  2. The patient safety processes element is led by clinical leaders responsible for implementing and improving patient safety processes, such as hand hygiene, infection prevention, and medication safety.
  3. The patient safety data and analytics component is led by data analysts and quality improvement professionals, who are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and using patient safety data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.
  4. Risk management professionals lead the risk reduction and mitigation elements and are responsible for implementing strategies to reduce risk and mitigate adverse events.
  5. The patient safety communications component is led by communication professionals responsible for providing effective and timely communication to patients, families, and staff regarding patient safety.

Mayo Clinic follows the principles and guidelines the American Society for Health Care Risk Management (ASHRM) set forth as part of its health care risk management plan. ASHRAM is a professional organization that provides education, resources, and networking opportunities to healthcare risk management professionals. However, some specific directives or recommendations from ASHRM may not be followed in all cases, as each healthcare organization must tailor its risk management plan to meet its particular needs and goals.

These are some examples of what could be added or clarified in Mayo Clinic’s healthcare risk management plan to enhance patient safety (American Society for Health Care Risk Management, 2019):

  1. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration among different departments and stakeholders to improve patient safety and reduce risk.
  2. Employee Training: Providing regular and comprehensive training to employees on healthcare risk management and patient safety, including the proper use of equipment and procedures.
  3. Incident Reporting: Developing a robust incident reporting system that encourages employees to report adverse events and near misses and ensures that data is analyzed and used to drive improvement.
  4. Root Cause Analysis: Conducting root cause analysis of adverse events and near misses to identify and address systemic issues contributing to patient harm.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Engaging in continuous improvement efforts, using data and feedback to identify opportunities for improvement and track progress over time.
  6. Communication with Patients and Families: Improving communication with patients and families, ensuring that they are informed about the risks and benefits of their care, and involving them in decisions about their treatment.

In terms of patient safety officers, the presence of a dedicated PSO at Mayo Clinic varies and depends on the clinic’s size and resources. However, regardless of the size of the clinic, the PSO’s role and scope of work typically include implementing and overseeing the clinic’s patient safety plan, conducting regular safety assessments and audits, leading safety committees and working groups, managing risk and adverse event reporting, developing and implementing patient safety initiatives and programs, and providing staff training and education on patient safety issues (Escher & Alton, 2016). The PSO’s ultimate goal is to ensure that Mayo Clinic provides its patients with the highest level of care, free from preventable harm. To achieve this, the PSO must have a deep understanding of the clinic’s operations and processes, the latest best practices and guidelines in patient safety, and strong leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, as they must collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, including staff, administrators, and patients.


In conclusion, Mayo Clinic’s comprehensive approach to healthcare risk management, as guided by the American Society for Health Care Risk Management, is designed to minimize adverse events and improve patient safety. While the specific directives may be tailored to meet the clinic’s needs, there are various ways in which the risk management plan can be enhanced, such as through interdisciplinary collaboration, employee training, incident reporting, root cause analysis, continuous improvement, and improved communication with patients and families. The presence of a dedicated patient safety officer may vary, but their primary responsibility is to ensure the highest level of care for patients, free from preventable harm. To achieve this, the PSO must possess a deep understanding of the clinic’s operations and best practices and strong leadership and communication skills.


American Society for Health Care Risk Management. (2019). Different roles, same goal: Risk and quality management partnering for patient safety. Web.

American Society for Health Care Risk Management. (2019). Healthcare risk management: The path forward. Web.

Escher, C. & Alton, G. (2016). Managing healthcare risk [Video file]. Youtube. Web.

Mayo Clinic. (2023). Mayo Clinic. Web.

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