Navigating Medical Education: Strategies for College and Training Success


The paper addresses the most widespread issue of education accessibility and affordability for students who are pursuing specialized careers. The fundamental basis for the preparation of a qualified and competitive graduate of a medical university is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. This process is ensured by the efforts of all forms of university activity – educational, research, innovative, and medical. They form the basic competence of a medical professional – a dialectical alloy of moral qualities and professionalism. An important role in achieving this goal belongs to extracurricular work. Its organization is a complex and always relevant pedagogical task. From the first days and throughout all the years of study at a medical university in all types of extracurricular activities to form the basic competencies of a future specialist, a systematic vector of the profession should be present. Moreover, it is evident that the nature and extent of the professional component in these competencies at different stages of study differ significantly.

Getting into College

The modern economy positioned as innovative, largely depends on the quality of the country’s human capital, the formation of which, in turn, assumes a high-quality and diverse educational system, including, thanks to market expansion, both formal and informal variations, non-systemic changes (Dougherty, Lynch, & Madonna, 2014). Thus, it is essential for a future student to undergo the correct procedural stages of selecting and evaluating the most plausible colleges. Such a transformation of education, solving the problem of accessibility, leads to a contradiction of goals, casting doubt on the quality and effectiveness of the services provided (Curry & Haydon, 2018). In this regard, the problems of accessibility of the system of higher professional education are of particular relevance, since in the market conditions higher education is not guaranteed by the state to all citizens, and its role becomes decisive from the point of view of the country entering the trajectory of stable economic development and introducing new technologies.

Achievement of acceptable economic growth and modernization of the economy is impossible without solving the problem of modernizing the educational system and expanding its coverage of all age and social strata of the population. In the end, there is a need to analyze the relationship of accessibility – payment – credit (Curry & Haydon, 2018). By the availability of the system of higher professional training, it is meant that the affordability of the basic structural elements of medical education (ME). College education institutions provide high-quality services, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types, and types that implement educational programs and state educational standards at various levels and orientations for the bulk of the population. The process takes place regardless of socio-economic factors as well as the availability of introductory replacements for educational programs and standards with intellectual positions for the bulk of the population (Dougherty et al., 2014). Economic accessibility implies that household financial expenses for the acquisition of quality higher professional education services should be characterized by a level that will not jeopardize or undermine other primary needs, that is, these costs should make up such a part of their income that is not burdensome.

Paying for College and Medical School

A future medical student will face another problem, which is the financial aspect of acquiring his medical degree. In essence, the accessibility of ME can be interpreted even more simply as the level of costs for overcoming obstacles, which include financial and mental losses. In addition to the direct inequality in access to medical education, it is essential to single out the disparity of intentions – the dependence of the probability of purpose, the desire to enter a university on social differences (Curry & Haydon, 2018). Inequality of plans is caused by socio-economic factors that determine the accessibility of higher education in general, and, in particular, the social environment in which a person grew up, as well as less significant factors such as confidence, certainty, and knowledge that a person has the right to certain actions.

As a result, in this situation, either a massive reduction in universities is possible, as a result of which the country will receive high-quality medical education, accessible both financially and intellectually to a limited number of citizens. If the number of universities remains the same, in the country, there will be low-quality medical education, affordable financially, and intellectually (Morrison, 2015). These trends are already observed in modern society, so if nothing is done, they are prone to intensify.

Getting into Medical School

One of the features of training at a medical university is that the first-year students psychologically and morally must be ready to work in the walls of medical institutions with sick people. Therefore, a future student is in a great deal of need for understanding that Congress concepts offer the most plausible approach in this regard. This readiness serves as a kind of test of the correctness of the choice of a future profession (Morrison, 2015). That is why the Academy practices first-year clinic visits with curators. This allows students to get in touch not with the book or television, but with the real everyday life of the medical institution itself and once again test itself. The presence in the field of an extensive network of medical treatment and specialized medical institutions provides students with the most modern clinics equipped with the latest equipment. A natural consequence of such visits is the establishment of volunteer contacts.

Communicating with those who can and should be helped, involvement in the problems of dysfunctional or sick children and adolescents fosters humanity, helps to understand the significance, complexity, and responsibility of the medical profession. It also develops the organizational skills of students, reinforces the knowledge acquired at the university, and gives specific experience in the field of the future job (Curry & Haydon, 2018). As a student moves to senior courses, opportunities for professional development beyond the scope of training are expanded. To a large extent, this is promoted by active scientific activity. Top students, interns, and residents regularly participate in congresses, congresses, conferences, and Internet sessions on topical medical issues conducted with the participation of the academy.

Leadership Training

Furthermore, a student has to possess a specific set of leadership skills, which are highly critical for applying Congress concepts. Having outlined and characterized the various approaches to understanding the nature of leadership, it is crucial to single out its main features, and through them the essence of leadership, which can be viewed from several perspectives (Curry & Haydon, 2018). Firstly, this is the identification of the basic, essential features of the phenomenon and its definition. Secondly, it is an analysis of nature, i.e., sources of leadership. Thirdly, the administration can and should be studied through related, larger, or smaller concepts, in comparison with which or through which attempts are made to explain it. Among these concepts related to leadership is management, leadership, administration, management, power, influence.

The formation of the personality of any individual and the leader is no exception, is influenced by a number of factors. Depending on the role assigned to each of them as a source of leadership potential, several approaches to the nature of leadership can be distinguished: biological, or physicalist, sociobiological, psychological, socio-psychological, sociological, philosophical (Morrison, 2015). In their pure form, the above approaches to understanding the essence of leadership, as a rule, do not exist. Many authors are influenced by several theories, concepts, and the strategies themselves are influenced by each other. In addition, GUEST SPEAKER made the biggest impression due to HIS/HER vast professional background, which is deeply manifested in the expertise.


In conclusion, the majority of the population is not yet ready for educational loans, either financially or mentally in modern conditions. By virtue of the revealed features of the society, it can be concluded that educational credit can only be a partial mechanism to increase the economic affordability of medical education, capable of assisting mainly wealthy people if any. For a minority, which means a certain part of society, characterized by the presence of less power, which is often, but not always, smaller in comparison with the dominant group. It also has relatively worse choice opportunities, and educational loan practically does not solve the problem of economic affordability of medical education by many reasons related mainly to their negative attitude to the possibility of loans, not so much because of personal financial calculations, but because of hostility to debts. Therefore, such students need special solutions aimed at increasing the availability of medical education. This, however, does not indicate the uselessness of educational lending as an institution. The need to develop new approaches to attracting private resources in education is due, on the whole, to the low-income level of the population and the need to provide convenient and profitable accumulation schemes for it.


Curry, J. M., & Haydon, M. R. (2018). Lawmaker age, issue salience, and senior representation in Congress. American Politics Research, 46(4), 567-595.

Dougherty, K. L., Lynch, M. S., & Madonna, A. J. (2014). Partisan agenda control and the dimensionality of Congress. American Politics Research, 42(4), 600-627.

Morrison, J. (2015). Undergraduate medical education: looking back, looking forward. Scottish Medical Journal, 60(4), 149-151.

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