Medicare Practices at Bromenn Medical Center: Evaluation and Outcomes

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  • Business and economics

A medical care is a community based facility/organization that is focused on providing health services to the population trough specialists and able to maintain a good record in solving health related problems. A specialist is defined as one who is very good in delivering care in one or two environments such as the hospital and the physician’s office (Carole AC & S.S Steven, 1999).There’s a need to redeem the society from health related problems.

The population at any one time is faced by the risk of attack from bacteria, germs and viruses which can lead to diseases and death. Dr Lynn notes that, four kinds of illnesses are largely responsible for 90% of the deaths among the Medicare population. Among them is cancer, heart and lung failure, dementia and stroke as well as frailty of advanced old age Carole AC & S.S Steven, 1999).With good medical care from a well equipped and technologically advanced medical center, a population in any locality can remain productive for the better part of their lives and be able to effectively contribute to the development of their nation.

A Medicare institution such as Bromenn Medical Center is tasked with the responsibility of providing health services to the people. The institution has high reputation amongst the citizens and to link it to the rest of the world it has a website. The website helps the population access information about services offered by the health experts, contacts to the care center, news, paying of bills among others.The medical center came to be, in the year 1984 when Mennonite hospital and Bloomington combined to form a health center that would offer high technology health care.

They would provide services such as ‘clot busting which the treatment is recommended for stroke, sleep disorders, electrophysiology, stress echocardiograms, chronic pain, and heart diseases and detection technology referred to as beam tomography. The services offered by the institution are aimed at tackling the acute diseases within the society which if not well attended to can lead to death. This is facilitated by existence of high quality technology and qualified specialists in different sectors of human physiology.

The continuum of care contains three levels namely primary care services which includes preventive and acute care, secondary services which are offered by specialists and tertially which are offered by specialized hospitals equipped with diagnostic and treatment( Michelle AG& J.B Mary 2005).Continuum of care according to joint commission on accreditation of health care organizations is matching an individual’s outgoing needs with the appropriate level and type of medical, psychological, health or social care or service within an organization or across multiple organizations(Michelle AG & J.B Mary 2005 ).

The system therefore commits itself in promoting health, preventing diseases and illness, tertially and acute care, providing ambulance services as well as home health. The Medicare suitably falls under the continuum care as it offers crucial and critical information about health through its website. In addition, it has a mission which is based on advocating health problems in families and communities. It as well offers medical services in various sectors of their specialization.

The Medicare has a large community as it serves an eight county space in Illinois and therefore has an obligation of providing substantial information to the people. The website provides the community with the information on healthcare, registering a clinic, tactics on how to research a symptom, illness and any other conditions as well as how to contact a doctor on private health problems.

The services offered by this Medicare are of the best quality considering the fact that blending of Mennonite hospital and Bloomington to form the Medicare was aimed at improving the services through proper technologically advanced equipments. Cardiac electrophysiology is one of the services provided by the Medicare. It is the science of elucidating, diagnosing, and treating the electrical activities of the heart.Such a programme requires high technology and specialized personnel and so do the rest of the services offered by this Medicare.

Their website provides detailed information about various programmes. It has information about its conception, its locality and scope of operation, the services it offers in the community as well as the major problems that affect the communities. It offers any student an opportunity to research on symptoms and illnesses and also mode of registering for a clinical event or seminar and by doing so it provides information about the services available locally. (Chris H 1994) notes that focusing on individual responsibility for health is likely to mask deeper social ills. The Medicare site therefore has an option that can help an individual to communicate with the doctor and have the problem analyzed and a good remedy provided.

In conclusion it has been noted that a Medicare is a vital facility in a society in helping to keep the society alive. It is also important for a Medicare to be able to familiarize and associate with problems affecting the society in realizing their mission of providing accessibility to good health for all. Major diseases that are potential death traps have been highlighted and their remedies too. Communication between the society and health services has been noted to be of paramount importance in dealing with health problems and means of facilitating this has to be put in place and in this case a website is the most appropriate mode.


Carole A. C& S.S Steven (1999): definition of serious and complex medical conditions, Washington D.C, national academy publishers’. p 21-32.

Chris. H (1994): health care for an aging population, Albany, N.Y, State Unity of New York publishers. p. 36-41.

Michelle. A.G, J.B Mary (2005): essentials of health information management; principles and practices, Clifton park N.Y, Thomson/Delmar learning publishers. p. 16-27.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 30). Medicare Practices at Bromenn Medical Center: Evaluation and Outcomes.

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