Meeting the Needs of Immigrants: Trauma

In most instances, rape experiences and witnessing murder lead to trauma. Unluckily, it is almost impossible for people who have encountered such extremely traumatic experiences to forget about the unfortunate incidents. However, they can overcome and cope with the traumatic effects of the events. The sleeping difficulties, headache, and possibly nightmares that Mrs. Ling is experiencing are common effects that almost all victims who have passed through similar ordeals face (Mason & Lodrick, 2013).

With proper management and interventions, she will eventually overcome the effects of the traumatizing incidences. She can recover from the symptoms and enjoy a feeling of wholesomeness and contentment in her life without feeling any pain resulting from the trauma. First, she needs to accept her intrusive thoughts about the trauma no matter how difficult she finds it in an effort of tolerating them. Mrs. Ling should accept her painful experiences, develop a positive self-image, let the bitterness go, and be determined to have a successful future.

It is worth noting that no matter how committed Mrs. Ling is to healing and thriving, it is difficult for her to achieve the desirable results by herself; she needs a helping hand. For this reason, she needs to seek support from her family who survived the misfortunes, in addition to the closest friends whom she trusts (Barrington & Shakespeare-Finch, 2013). If possible, she can share her experiences with them, and in return, they will give her a shoulder to lean on.

She may even come to learn how other people who have gone through similar traumatic experiences triumphed over them. Although her interaction with her friends and family will contribute to her healing, intervention from experts who have a wealth of experience in dealing with effects of trauma is essential. Therefore, it is paramount for her to visit a licensed therapist or counselor who will professionally analyze her case and recommend effective strategies and therapies for achieving ultimate recovery from her pain and emotional suffering.

As a refugee, Mrs. Ling’s effects of the traumatizing events might have been worsened by additional stressors in her new environment, and she needs to understand this. Just like many other refugees, she might have expected that her problems will be over once she reaches New Harbor (Barrington & Shakespeare-Finch, 2013). Contrary to her expectations, her psychological troubles might have gotten worse due to lack of social and family networks, financial problems, and new culture and language, among other factors. She can strive to overcome these additional stressors by learning languages spoken by people around her and creating new friendships.

Sleeping difficulty, headache, and probably nightmares may be as a result of a certain mental problem whose treatment is available. A licensed therapist or counselor will help Mrs. Ling recover from the issue via symptom management, as well as working through the trauma (James & Gilliland, 2017).There are various treatment options to mental problems caused by traumatic events, and their application depends on factors like her age at the time of the traumatic event over and above other circumstances related to the incidence. If she will be referred to a doctor and asked to take a particular medication, she should ensure that she strictly follows the prescription.

Doing exactly what a therapist or counselor advises her will also contribute significantly to her recovery. Religious or spiritual practices are also powerful ways of recovering from the ordeal and coping with the symptoms of trauma. She can get the healing power by attending formal services, talking to religious leaders, reading texts from holy books, and listening to inspirational films, depending on her preferences and religion. In conclusion, like Mrs. Ling, refugees face various traumatic incidences that can have adverse effects on their lives. Fortunately, with proper interventions, they can overcome and recover from the trauma. Positive attitude towards oneself and professional therapies are effective strategies to recovery.


Barrington, A. J., & Shakespeare-Finch, J. (2013). Working with refugee survivors of torture and trauma: An opportunity for vicarious post-traumatic growth. Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 26(1), 89-105.

James, R., & Gilliland, B. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Mason, F., & Lodrick, Z. (2013). Psychological consequences of sexual assault. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology, 27(1), 27-37.

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