Comprehensive Analysis of Miami-Dade County’s Healthcare Needs and Solutions


Description of the Community

Miami-Dade County was established in 1836 based on the Territorial Act of the United States. It was named after Francis L. Dade, a major killed in the Second Seminole War. Currently, this is an urban community with 36 cities and several unincorporated areas.

Physical Environmental Considerations: The Community as a Place

Description: General Identifying Data

Miami-Dade County is located in Florida, US. More than 20 percent of this county is composed of water, mainly in Biscayne Bay. Miami-Dade is approximately six feet above sea level, while the county’s flora and fauna developed primarily in the Pleistocene. The climate there is characterized as a tropical monsoon with humid summers, and the regular temperature is 69.2 °F.

Boundaries, Area in Square Miles

Miami-Dade County counts for 2,431 square miles and is the third-largest county of Florida. It borders with Broward, Monroe, and Collier Counties.


Sanitation in the mentioned county is managed by the Solid Waste Department, which controls water supply and sewage. In addition, garbage and trash are subjected to recycling in special centers. Citizens may require garbage or recycling can and view the pick-up schedule on the official website of the Solid Waste Department. Among toxic air pollutants, there is mercury that can be found in water and some lands. Animal reservoirs are created for cats and dogs, which are treated, adopted, or euthanized depending on the situation. Miami-Dade is home to many rare animals and plants, especially in coastal areas. Air quality is normal without hazardous odor, color, or particulates. Food supply is ensured by the government, and people prefer cooking dishes or eating in cafes. Every family is recommended to have a three-day pack of food in case of emergency, while disaster preparation is regarded as sufficient.


The majority of people live in public housing types, yet there are also some private sectors. Most housing units are in good condition. According to the US Census Bureau, more than 70 percent of housing is owned by the population, and the lack is offered for rent (“Public housing and community development,” 2018). As for housing for homeless, near homeless, and frail elders, one should state that special programs are established to assist them. For example, The Emergency & Evacuation Assistance Program (EEAP) or Homeless Trust project may be noted.

Leading Industries and Occupations

The major industries in Miami-Dade County are Healthcare and Social Assistance, Accommodation and Food Service, and Retail Trade. Among the key occupations, it is important to list management, retail sales, customer service, and so on.

The People of the Community

Population Profile

The total population is 2,496,435 people, according to the US Census Bureau (“Quick facts: Miami-Dade county,” 2017). It is reported that the population density is high, namely, 12,139.5 people per square mile. In the past ten years, such changes in population as growth by approximately eight prevent occurred. The mobility of this county is characterized by a slight decrease. There are 1,359,770 1 married families and 621,384 no present husband families.

Biological Considerations/Vital and Demographic Population Characteristics

28.4 percent of the population is composed of people aged between 25 and 44, 24.6 percent of those between 5 to 24, and 18.2 percent of older adults. Currently, sex distribution is as follows: 2,740,068 females and 2,585,680 males. As for race characteristics, 76.9 percent are White, 19.3percent are African-American, and others. The following ethnicities are present in Miami-Dade: Whites, Hispanics, and Chinese, et cetera. Mortality issues include 11.2 births annually, and the crude death rate is 325.6. The estimated age-adjusted death rate in Miami-Dade County is 590.3, while the infant mortality rate is 4.4, and maternal mortality is 7.3. Cause-specific death rate counts for about 600. Cardiovascular diseases (incidence rates are 114.9 in females and 175.9 in males), hypertension, and lung cancer (22.0 in females and 49.2 in males) may be noted as the leading death causes (“County profile: Miami-Dade County, Florida,” 2015). The prevalence rates of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases are 42.6 and 42.8, respectively.

Psychological Considerations

This county is marked by the extension of the Florida East Coast Railway, the Florida land boom in the 1920s, and flew of Cubans after the Cuban Revolution in 1959. The future economic prospects are significant development of retail sales. The formal communication networks are composed of the media, and informal ways are the Internet and social media channels. The rates of suicide and homicide among adolescents are relatively low. In this regard, the adequacy of protective service can be evaluated as high and effective. Unemployment, crime rates, and high costs of housing are the key stress sources.

Sociocultural Considerations: The Community as a Social System

The average income of a family is $43,000 per year, while major occupations are sales and management. Unemployment is estimated at 5 percent, and 19.9 percent are below the poverty level (“Percent of population below the poverty,” 2016). Retired people compose 10 percent of the whole population. Religious distribution involves Catholicism and Protestantism; the marriage rate is 15, and half of the marriages end with divorce. English and Hispanics are the two main languages.

Government and Leadership

City Commission and Mayor compose the government of Miami-Dade County, and all city offices are presented by commissioners, which are located in all five districts. City officers work from Monday to Friday, and the detailed information is presented on the county’s official website.


Both public (Miami-Dade College) and private educational facilities (Gulliver Preparatory School, Ransom Everglades School) are available in this county. In addition, there are several libraries which can be visited by every citizen. To assist special populations, the county offers facilities and programs for pregnant teens, developmentally disabled persons, those who blind or deaf, and adults with health problems.


Provided by MiamiDade Transportation and Public Works, citizens may use Metrobus, Metromover, Metrorail, and Paratransit services. Low-income areas face a lack of adequate transportation.

Behavioral Considerations

The population tends to eat more fast food compared to healthy nutrition that is largely associated with their unawareness and costs of products. Leisure pursuits there refer to visits to bars, malls, and other entertainment facilities. Health-related behaviors are also associated with smoking and alcohol abuse as well as low seat-belt use.

Health System Considerations

Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade is the main health service that controls all hospitals and medical centers in Miami-Dade. The existing level of performance is insufficient as many people still develop chronic and acute conditions. The availability of services needs improvements since low-income areas have poor access to health services. Obesity, hypertension, and diabetes are health needs lacking services. The latter are underused due to the unawareness of some citizens of their availability and necessity. It should also be noted that some people need proper education on how to use one or another medication or tool to control their health indicators. The above facts should be used to create a plan of action for the given community. Health care is financed both by the government and private organizations.


County profile: Miami-Dade County, Florida. (2015).

Percent of population below the poverty level in Miami-Dade County, FL. (2016).

Public housing and community development. (2018). Web.

Quick facts: Miami-Dade county. (2017). Web.

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